Organisation unifying the entirety of Indian Central Government Employees and Workers on a single platform of struggle and advance.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
IMA HQ New Delhi
The Lok Sabha approved and passed the
draconian NMC Bill yesterday. The democratic Lower House dumped healthcare
& medical education of this country into darkness by approving undemocratic
National Medical Commission Bill 2019.
IMA HQ calls for 24 hours withdrawal
of services on Wednesday 31 08 2019.
Section 32 of the NMC Bill provides
for licensing of 3. 5 lakhs unqualified non medical persons to practice modern
medicine. The term Community Health Provider has been vaguely defined to allow
anyone connected with modern medicine to get registered in NMC and be licensed
to practice modern medicine. This would mean that all paramedics including
pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists, optometrists and others are becoming
eligible to practice modern medicine and prescribe independently. This law
legalizes quackery.
This provision and the earlier
objected provisions can never be accepted by the medical fraternity of the
The mess created by the Bill
regarding the examinations affecting the career generations of medical students
cannot be condoned. The numerous other inconsistencies in the Bill will
seriously affect the Health of the nation.
IMA rejects NMC Bill 2019 in toto.
The emergency Action Committee
reviewed the situation yesterday night. It has been decided to call for 24
hours withdrawal of non essential services across the nation by modern medicine
doctors from 6 am on Wednesday, 31.07.2019 till 6 am the next day i.e., Thursday,
Emergency, Casualty, ICU and related
services will function normally.
Public demonstrations and hunger
strikes will be organized by all the state and local branches.
All the members of the modern medical
fraternity are requested to participate. All the medical students are requested
to boycott classes and proclaim solidarity.
The war against NMC will continue.
The struggle to redeem the Health of
the nation is our privilege and sacred duty. We will never allow licensing
unqualified non medical persons to kill our patients. We will never allow our
mothers and children die in thousands for ever due to this Black Law.
IMA baptized in the freedom struggle
of the nation rises to protect our patients and the Health of the nation.
Jai Hind. -- Jai IMA.
Dr. Santanu Sen
National President
Dr. Rajan sharma
National President elect
Dr. R. V. Asokan
Hony Secretary General
Dr. A. Marthanda Pillai
Chairman, Action Committee
It was a day of amusement at the Bengaluru Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal. As the DG of CPWD Prabhakar Singh had not apologized for contempt of Court, it decided to send him to jail..........
CPWD DG Prabhakar Singh apologizes to
court after Judge orders jail term; Singh files Writ against Judge
NATIONAL HERALD (E-PAPER) 29 Jul 2019, 10:30 PM
It was a day of amusement at the
Bengaluru bench of Central Administrative Tribunal on Friday, July 27. The
Tribunal was hearing a contempt petition against Central Public Works Department
(CPWD) director general Prabhakar Singh as he had gone ahead and issued large
scale transfer and posting orders of engineers as a part of the restructuring
of CPWD despite the Tribunal having put a stay on it on June 4, 2019.
In court, before pronouncing the
order, the two member bench of Judge KB Suresh and CV Shankar enquired about
Singh’s health, to which the DG responded that he only had the usual blood
pressure and diabetes problems. Persisting with the same line of questions, the Court wanted to know if Singh had any special health conditions and DG
responded in the negative.
Then the Judge went on to
pronounce the verdict which included a one-month simple imprisonment for
ignoring the stay order of the Court and not appearing before CAT earlier,
despite being ordered to. On hearing the verdict, a fluttered Singh collapsed
unable to believe the sentence given.
On seeing the DG collapse, the
lawyer requested the Judges to be lenient with the DG. The judge said he was
forced to pass such an order because the DG was refusing to apologize to the
court despite there being a contempt case against him and because he continued
to pass several orders even after June 4, 2019. The Bench said if he didn’t apologize, the court would call the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra on July 30.
On hearing this, the Lawyer
persuaded the DG Prabhakar Singh to give a written apology. Remaining adamant,
Singh said that he had passed the orders at the behest of the Minister. On
further pleas from the lawyer and after consultations with Secretary Mishra,
Singh tendered an undertaking expressing his regret and that he would cancel
all the impugned orders.
On receiving an unconditional
apology from Singh, the Court accepted his apology and closed the matter.
And now, Singh has filed a Writ Petition in Karnataka High Court stating that he was threatened and hence he apologized. HE has even made the Judge a party in his petition.
The CPWD Engineers Association had
challenged the restructuring of CPWD, which Singh had ordered in March and the
Association alleged that it has not following the procedures suggested by the
consultancy Ernst & Young.
This wasn’t the first time a Court
had observed that Singh had tried to overreach orders passed by a Court. In a
ruling in the Delhi High Court on July 8, 2019, the Judges stated that they
were of the view that “the petitioners (Prabhakar Singh and Durga Shankar
Mishra) have made every attempt to overreach the orders of the Court so as to
ensure the respondent (an executive engineer in the electrical department)
doesn’t reap the fruits of the judgement in his favour”.
Orders passed
by CPWD after CAT stay
In an order on June 11, 2019, the DG stated that eight executive
engineers of the electrical division who have jurisdiction within Delhi Circle
have to hand over their charges to the newly posted electrical engineers.
Ignoring the stay orders related to transfers and promotions of
engineers passed by CAT, Prabhakar Singh had promoted 10 Assistant Directors to
the grade of Deputy Directors on June 21, 2019.
In fact, Singh had even stated that the ministry was not deterred
by the stay in Court against the re-structuring and would go ahead with their
Reiterating former transfer orders, the office of the DG sent out
a memo on July 9, 2019, castigating all the officers who despite being served
transfer orders haven’t reported to their new place of posting. He asked them
to comply with the orders even though the Tribunal had stayed the orders and
threatened them with disciplinary action.
According to sources, Singh is working out how to cancel the
orders passed by the Ministry and the Minister.
Extension of
Prabhakar Singh’s tenure
The term of Prabhakar Singh has been extended by another six months
and his term will end by January 31, 2020, unless the government decides to
extend it again.
This is the second extension being given to Singh despite several
corruption cases pending against him,
The government modified the hiring guidelines in June 2018 to
promote SDG (Elect) Prabhakar Singh as the DG. He was set to retire on July 31,
2018, exactly a month after his promotion, but the government again violated
the DoPT norms and statutory rules such as the FR-56 and re-employed him for
one more year even though there were several other eligible officers who could
be promoted as the DG.
FR-56 is the retirement procedure of the government and Department
of Personnel and Training (DoPT) is the Central Government’s coordinating
agency for recruitment.
Monday, July 29, 2019
AIRF :: Closure of Railway Printing Presses ...... Letter to Hon'ble Minister for Railways
Dated: July 26, 2019
Minister for Railways,
of Railways, Rail Bhawan,
New Delhi
Sub.: Closure
of Railway Printing Presses – Regarding
Ref.: Railway
Board’s letter No.2018/RS/Ptg. & Sty./AP/PP/IR dated 04.06.2019
The issue of closure of Railway
Printing Presses, being burning one, has been repeatedly deliberated by AIRF at
various levels during the last two years. After detailed discussions, including
deliberations held in the PNM Meeting of AIRF with the Railway Board on our
captioned agenda item(item No.35/2018), it was assured that the following five Railway Printing Presses would not
only continue to function, but also be modernized by providing latest printing
machinery and plant.
Byculla(CR), (ii) Howrah(ER), (iii) Shakurbasti(NR), (iv) Royapuram(Chennai)
and (v) Secunderabad(SCR)
was also advised to this federation that the workload of those printing
presses, other than the above-mentioned five, which are to be closed, would
also be transferred to these printing presses. It may also be noted that,
Ministry of Railways has spent substantial money with a view to modernize the
aforesaid five printing presses as was assured to this federation.
Previously, the undersigned had
also discussed this issue with your goodself and you also assured that, five printing presses would be allowed to
function with due modernization thereof to cater the
requirement of various money value and other items used in the Railways. To our
utter surprise, Railway Board had issued above referred to letter, vide which
it was communicated to close the remaining five printing presses which were to
continue functioning as per assurance given to this federation. You may also
appreciate that, the above orders have been issued in total disregard of your
personal assurance given to us on the subject. This action of the Railway Board
tantamounts to complete breach of negotiated settlement, and it is further
regretful that, your personal assurance, to continue five printing presses, quoted
above, has also not been honoured. This would definitely result in shaking of
trust and credibility of the Railway Administration, as the assurance, given at
the MR’s level, is also not honoured in the instant case.
We, therefore, request your
goodself to personally look into the matter, so that, the assurance given to
AIRF, to continue five
printing presses to function, is honoured and implemented.
√Copy to: Chairman, Railway
Board, New Delhi – for necessary action please.
AIRF : Letter to Hon'ble Minister of Railways on Corporatization of Moder Coach Factory / Rae Bareli and other Production Units of the Indian Railways as 'Rolling Stock Company' ..
No.AIRF/516 Dated: July 26, 2019
Hon’ble Minister
for Railways,
Ministry of Railways,
Rail Bhawan,
New Delhi
Ministry of Railways,
Rail Bhawan,
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
Sub: Corporatization of Modern
Coach Factory/Rae Bareli and other Production Units of the Indian Railways as
“Rolling Stock Company”
Ref.: Chairman, Railway
Board’s letter No.2019/E&R/10(10)/12 dated 18.06.2019
We are of the firm opinion
that, all the Production Units of the Railways, including Modern Coach Factory,
Rae Bareli, function efficiently well and can be proud of their workforce as
also the management. Against an installed capacity of one thousand coaches per
annum, MCF scripted a unique success story by manufacturing 1425 number of
coaches during the just concluded Financial Year, i.e. 2018-19, doubling its
production from the previous year (711 coaches in the year 2017-18). Continuing
this tempo with zest, MCF is slated to manufacture 2158number of coaches in the
current financial year to support the Railway Passenger Transport Operations.
This tentamounts to tripling its production in just two years, a fact unheard
of in any major industrial unit of the Indian Railways.
On the fronts of cost and economies
of production, MCF has established a record by turning out top quality coaches
at the lowest cost. As is evident from the fact that, in the Financial Year
2018-19 coach out turn was 1425 coaches on an average cost of Rs.2.06 crore,
having total number of 2201 employees on roll only. The cost of manufacture of
coaches at MCF is very competitive even when compared to imported LHB coaches
which were bought at a cost of Rs.5.17 crore (approx.) per coach in the year
Similarly, production of rolling
stock of different kinds has increased to a great extent in almost all the
Railway Production Units over the years. So far as technological upgradation is
concerned, Railway’s Production Units have come forward to manufacture T-18
rakes and air-conditioned EMU/MEMU rakes indigenously which are serving rail
users’ to their utmost satisfaction. Obviously, Railwaymen have proved their
worth to accept any kind of challenge in the field of manufacturing rolling
stock (all types coaches/ locomotives) with the state-of-art technology.
However, we agree with the
dictum that, even the best need not be perfect and there is room for
improvement. We are for both financial and functional viability to all the
Production Units, so that, the respective management and workforce can evolve
best practices and procedures to make those units highly competitive in their
performance. Any concrete proposal in this regard, from whichever quarter it
emanates, is most welcome and workers will be too happy to consider.
Mere change in the form of the
entity, we are convinced, will not bring about any performance related
improvements, i.e. BSNL, which was a product of corporatization of a highly
profitable departmental entity, is a glaring example to consider.
It is worth-mentioning here
that, serious unrest is brewing among the employees working in the Production
Units of the Indian Railways, including MCF/RBL, on account of Ministry of
Railway’s proposal to corporatize Railway’s Production Units as an agenda of
100 day’s Action Plan. They are agitating this issue continuously by holding
rallies, dharnas, demonstrations etc., which may result in serious threat to
industrial harmony prevailing since nearly four decades over the Indian Railway
AIRF is, therefore, of the
firm opinion that, Ministry of Railways should not go ahead with any move to
corporatize Indian Railway’s existing Production Units in the larger interest
of the workers as also of the Railway Industry.
With Regards,
Sincerely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
General Secretary
√Copy to: Chairman, Railway
Board, New Delhi – for necessary action please.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Saturday, July 27, 2019
FB Post by Com.A.K.Padmanabhan, National Vice President, CITU ......
Though the Recognized Federations in the Railways are almost mum on Privatization, Struggles are going on in various Production Units and also in other areas. AILRSA, AISMA, GUARDS COUNCIL and various other Associations and CITU affiliated DREU are going ahead with Struggles.
They are also joining Central TUs and Federations in the National level Campaigns......
DEFENCE Production Units under ORDINANCE BOARD are being Corporatized.
All the three Recognized Federations, AIDEF, INTUC and BMS have decided to go for ONE MONTH STRIKE .......
SAIL UNITS and other PSUs are also prepared for continuous struggles.....
In the meanwhile All INDIA PROTEST DAY is being organised by Central TUs and National Federations against LABOUR LAW AMENDMENTS through Codification, which will take away the existing rights of the Working People in the Country...
The Govt has openly said that the CODES are for Ease of Doing Business.
The Govt has openly said that the CODES are for Ease of Doing Business.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Dear Comrades ,
Please read the joint statement of Central Trade Unions below. Confederation National Secretariat calls upon all affiliates and C-O-Cs to organise mass protest demonstrations infront of all major offices and at all important places.
Secretary General

Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
(Arising out of SLP (Civil) 7627 of 2019)
Diary No. 41829 of 2018
Sr. Superintendent of Post Offices … ..... Appellant
Gursewak Singh & Ors. … ... Respondents
(Arising out of SLP (Civil)No. 7628 of 2019)
Diary No. 41825 of 2018
Sr. Superintendent of Post Offices … ...... Appellant
Smt. Swam Kanta … ..... ...... Respondents
Pensionary benefits under NPS on Voluntary Retirement -- PIB
The features and benefits under National Pension System (NPS) and the old pension scheme are independent. Under NPS, there is a provision for voluntary retirement/exit prior to the age of superannuation, without linking it with the minimum number of 20 years of service.
As per Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) Regulations, 2015, and amendments there under, the provisions for voluntary retirement/exit and the benefits available/ allowed under NPS to employees of Central Government who voluntary retires are as follows:
“3(b) where the subscriber who, before attaining the age of superannuation prescribed by the service rules applicable to him or her, voluntarily retires or exits, then at least eighty per cent out of the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber shall mandatorily be utilized for purchase of annuity and the balance of the accumulated pension wealth, after such utilization, shall be paid to the subscriber in lump sum or he shall have a choice to collect such remaining pension wealth in accordance with the other options specified by the Authority from time to time, in the interest of the subscribers”
Further, as informed by the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare, the benefit of retirement gratuity and death gratuity has been extended to Government employees covered under NPS on the same terms and conditions as are applicable under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.
Recently, vide Gazette Notification dated 31.01.2019, the mandatory contribution by the Central Government for its employees covered under NPS Tier-I has been enhanced from the existing 10% of basic pay +DA to 14% of basic pay + DA. The employees’ contribution rate would remain at the existing 10% of basic pay + DA. There is no proposal to increase the contribution to 20 per cent from 14 per cent under NPS.
This was stated by Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, Minister of State for Finance & Corporate Affairs in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.
(Release ID :192138)
“3(b) where the subscriber who, before attaining the age of superannuation prescribed by the service rules applicable to him or her, voluntarily retires or exits, then at least eighty per cent out of the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber shall mandatorily be utilized for purchase of annuity and the balance of the accumulated pension wealth, after such utilization, shall be paid to the subscriber in lump sum or he shall have a choice to collect such remaining pension wealth in accordance with the other options specified by the Authority from time to time, in the interest of the subscribers”
Further, as informed by the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare, the benefit of retirement gratuity and death gratuity has been extended to Government employees covered under NPS on the same terms and conditions as are applicable under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.
Recently, vide Gazette Notification dated 31.01.2019, the mandatory contribution by the Central Government for its employees covered under NPS Tier-I has been enhanced from the existing 10% of basic pay +DA to 14% of basic pay + DA. The employees’ contribution rate would remain at the existing 10% of basic pay + DA. There is no proposal to increase the contribution to 20 per cent from 14 per cent under NPS.
This was stated by Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, Minister of State for Finance & Corporate Affairs in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.
DSM/RM/PD(Release ID :192138)
IT Returns : 'Due date' extended from 31-07-2019 to 31-08-2019
Extension of date for filing of Income Tax Returns
The due date for filing of Income Tax Returns for Assessment Year 2019-20 is 31.07.2019 for certain categories of taxpayers. Upon consideration of the matter, the Central Board of Direct Taxes(CBDT) extends the ‘due date’ for filing of Income Tax Returns from 31st July, 2019 to 31st August, 2019 in respect of the said categories of taxpayers.
(Release ID :192157)Monday, July 22, 2019
Friday, July 19, 2019
Simplification of the Procedure in CGHS -- PIB
CGHS Wellness Centres provide primary health care facilities and, if required, refer the beneficiaries to the Specialists at Government Hospitals/ Private Hospitals empanelled under CGHS. In emergency conditions, no endorsement for any treatment/ investigation is required from CGHS Wellness Centre. However, in non-emergency conditions or unlisted treatment/ tests, endorsement from concerned CGHS Wellness Centre is required.
With a view to facilitate ease of availing consultations from Specialists at empanelled hospitals, Government has permitted elderly CGHS beneficiaries aged 75 years and above to seek consultations from Specialists without any referral and undergo treatment/ investigations without endorsement. Permission is required only for unlisted treatment procedure/ tests in non-emergency conditions.
The guidelines for referral issued vide Office Memorandum No. Z.15025/117/2017/DIR/CGHS/EHS, dated the 15th January, 2018 have been modified vide Office Memorandum No. Z.15025/117/2017/DIR/CGHS/EHS, dated the 10th December, 2018 and the following modifications have been made in the interest of sick people, pensioners and serving employees:-
- The referral shall be valid for consultations upto 3 times in the same hospital within 30 days.
- CGHS beneficiaries have been permitted to consult upto 3 Specialists, if required during a single visit.
- Investigations advised by Specialist of Private Empanelled Hospitals may be undertaken if they are required in emergency as certified by Specialist without endorsement by CGHS.
The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh Ashwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha, here today.
(Release ID :191937)
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