Wednesday, January 23, 2008




A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027.

E mail:

Phone: 2510 5324

President:                  Com.S.K. Vyas:         9868244035

Working President.  Com.C.C. Pillai:         9811213808

Secretary General:   Com.K.K.N.Kutty     9811048303

Dated: 23th January, 2008




Dear Comrade,


            We are yet to compile the reports of the implementation of the programme received at the CHQ from various states. This would be done and presented at the National Executive meeting of the Confederation scheduled to be held at Mumbai on 2 nd and 3rd March, 2008. The notice of the meeting is enclosed. The Secretaries of all States COCs are being invited to attend the meeting.


            The report so far received at the CHQ  indicate the exemplary manner in which the programme has been carried out at  various stations.While the messages are being conveyed  over phone of the implementation of the programmes, the detailed reports   are seldom filed. This is an area of weakness, we to have identified at     the last meeting address of the National Executive meeting. I therefore request all affiliates and COC to kindly send a detailed report of the implementation of the programme immediately so that we can undertake a proper review thereof at the NE Meeting at Mumbai. Despite our continuous efforts the formation of the state COCs in all States have not yet come about. We do appropriate the difficulties in setting up district committees. This issues was discussed at length at our Nagpur meeting and it was decided that state committee might be formed once the district committees are set up in major districts where large number of CGEs are stationed. In the case of other districts representatives may be selected for effective communication. Even after the said decision, there had been no progress in our slated objective of setting up the State committee. We shall request the COC of the State capitals to lake some concrete steps in this direction and set up   the state committees without further loss of   time.


            The 6th CPC report is likely to be delayed; the stated reason being the late reference from the Govt. for the inclusion of the  case of wage revision of the employees and officers of the Supreme Court. In view of the decision of the Govt. in fixing the salary of the President and Vice President of the country at 100,000/= and 85,000 respectively the likelihood of the minimum wage going beyond Rs 6500/= has become remote. The operation list of FRBM Act may be an excusive for the Govt. to deny     the wage revision retrospectively from 1.01.2006. All these might bring about a State of unavoidable confrontation. The demand of bonus at the revised rates, the continuing impasse in the matter of compassionate appointments the various outsourcing exercises, the unjustified ban on recruitment are issues evading meaningfull negotiation and settlement. Intensified struggles will become necessary in the days to come. The aim and purpose of the ensuing NE meeting with the presence of secretaries of COCs of State Capitals is to plan out for sustained programme of action.                     


            We require a proper appreciation of our issues demands and problems by the public at large and with that in perspective we had requested you that the  copy of the memorandum to PM must be handed over to the MPs. We hope you have endeavoured  to do so . Kindly indicate us the name and address of the MPs whom you had contacted and handed over the memorandum,   to enable  us to follow up the same to its logical requirement of the issue being raised in the floor of the parliament.

            With greetings 

Yours fraternally



Secretary General






Manishinath Bhawan, A.2/95 Rajouri Garden

New Delhi . 110 027


Phone: 2510 5324

Mobile :98110 48303


Dated: 6th November, 2007.


N o t i c e:


            Notice is hereby given for an extended meeting of the National Executive of the Confederation on 2 nd and 3rd March, 2008 to be held at Mumbai to discuss the following agenda. All Members of the National Executive are requested to attend the meeting.  The meeting will commence at   on 2nd and 10.30 on 3rd. . The COC Mumbai will intimate the venue of the meeting. The accommodation for stay will be available from Ist afternoon to 4th forenoon.   If any assistance is required, the Secretary, COC, Mumbai  may be contacted. Members are requested to book their return journey reservation. 


            The meeting will be attended besides the NE members by the Secretaries of all State COCs and wherever State COCs have not come into existence, the Secretaries of the COCs of the State Capital shall attend the meeting.   Those who are unable to attend the meeting for any extenuating reasons, the same will be intimated to the CHQ well in advance.


            Com. Gautham Pramanik will hold a meeting of the affiliates whose CHQ is at Calcutta prior to the NE and will elicit their views on each of the agenda items.


            The Chief Executives of all affiliated Associations, Federations are requested to collect the following information in respect of their respective department on compassionate appointment


(a)     the Number of persons who have applied for appointment on compassionate ground and whose applications are still pending;

(b)    the name and address of those applicants.


The meeting will discuss the following agenda.


(a) Review of the one day strike of CGEs that was organized on 30.10.2007

(b)  Pay Commission related issues and  Future course of action.

(c)  Organisational review with particular reference to the formation of State Committees.

(d) formation of State Comittees.



KKN Kutty

Secretary General.


All the National Executive committee members and Office bearers of the Confederation.




Friday, January 4, 2008



New   Delhi.

Dated: 3.1.2008

Dear Comrade,

Sent herewith is the draft memorandum for presentation to the Governor on 11 th inst for submission to the Prime Minister when you take out a rally or procession in the respective state capitals.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
KKN Kutty,
Secretary General.


Memorandum to Dr. Manmohan Singh,

Hon'ble Prime Minister,

Govt. of India,

New Delhi.


            On behalf of the Co-ordination Committee of the Central Govt. employees, ______, State, we submit the following memorandum for your kind and favourable consideration.


1.                    As per the terms of reference, the 6th Central Pay Commission was to submit a report to the Govt. on the question of grant of Interim relief. The said requisition was made on the commission as per the agreement the staff side JCM, National Council had with the then Finance Secretary, Govt. of India.   Neither the Commission submitted any report on this issue to the Govt. nor did the Govt. take the decision to grant Interim Relief, even though the CGEs were entitled for wage revision with effect from 1.01.2006.


2.                    For no valid reason, the Govt. decided to scrap the existing pension scheme, creating an invidious discrimination between the employees recruited prior and after 1.1.2004.  The Central Govt.employees are extremely concerned over this unjustified action on the part of the Govt. and request you to kindly initiate action to withdraw the new contributory pension scheme.


3.                    The Government's decision to extend the blanket ban on recruitment, introduced in 2001 for another three years has in fact come as a bolt from the blue.   The reduction in the number of posts due to the arbitrary decision has been of the order of 8 lakhs during the period between 1.1.2001 to 1.1.2006.  Not only the said decision has shut down the job opportunities for the young and educated youth in the country, it has also phenomenally increased the workload of the existing employees.   We request you to kindly order annulment of the concerned executive fiat.


4.                    The appointment on compassionate ground in Govt. service meant for the family members who become distressed due to the sudden and untimely demise of the Govt. servants in harness was virtually stopped by the Department of Personnel by introducing an unviable and unworkable ceiling limit of 5% of the vacancies.   While the scheme is allowed to be operated unhindered and without ceiling in Railways, which employees more than 50% of the workforce in Central services, we are unable to comprehend the logic and rationale of the inexplicable discrimination.   In the meeting the Staff Side had with the Cabinet Secretary in the wake of our decision to go on indefinite strike action, we were assured of ending this unjust discrimination.   But no order to honour this commitment was issued by the Govt. so far.  We request you to kindly intervene in the matter in favour of the unfortunate members of the family of the deceased Govt. servant.


5.                    Despite revising the ceiling limit from Rs.2500 to Rs.3500 for the computation of Bonus entitlement for workers,[which was kept stagnant for the past one and half decades] by the Cabinet and making it applicable for the financial year 2006-07, the Govt. for reasons unknown kept the CG employees beyond the purview of the said decision.   No substantive reason was adduced by the Finance Ministry officials, when the Staff side raised this issue in the last meeting of the Standing Committee of the JCM.   We were assured by the Secretary(Personnel) that the discontent of the employees in this regard would be conveyed to the Govt.  We shall be obliged if your goodself direct the concerned in the Finance Ministry to issue necessary orders revising the Bonus entitlement of CGEs in consonance with the Cabinet decision.


6.                    Due to the abolition of posts and other downsizing exercises carried out by the Govt. as pointed out earlier, the number of employees has been drastically reduced, whereas work assigned was increased manifold. To combat the situation, the administration has been resorting to recruitment of daily rated/casual workers. They presently constitute about 25% of the workforce.   They are not even given subsistence wages and are being exploited.  The staff side raised the issue of regularization of these employees, which is being dilly dallied.   We seek your intervention for their regularization.


7.                    We were assured of an immediate and favourable consideration of the sixteen awards of the Board of Arbitration  in the formal meeting of the Standing Committee held in the wake of the proposed strike action in February, 2007.   Though several rounds of discussions were held, no finality has been reached on any issue.  This is despite the fact that the staff side agreed to make several amendments to reduce the financial burden of the Govt.   We regret to bring to your kind notice that the matter is being delayed by the Finance Ministry.  We seek your intervention in settling the issue.


8.                    In a recent development, the health Ministry has drastically reduced the rates of various pathological tests, surgery etc in respect of treatment in private hospitals  recognized by the CGHS.  Most of the hospitals recognized by the Govt. have now refused to impart treatment to CGEs and pensioners on the plea that the rates are too low and even would not meet the cost.   The said decision of the health Ministry was not based on any sound logic and requires to be reversed.  The health Ministry may be asked to bring back the old rates immediately.


Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Secretary, COC…….State Committee