As the third phase of Confederation’s nationwide
agitational programmes for settlement of 12 point Charter of Demands submitted
to Government of India on 11.09.2014, a massive dharna was organised at Jantar
Mantar, Parliament street on 25.09.2014. Confederation National Secretariat
members, General Secretaries of COCs, Leaders and workers of affiliated
organizations attended the programme. COC Delhi acted as host and made all
arrangements for the successful conducting of the Dharna which was attended by
more than 500 comrades. Mass Dharna was inaugurated by Com. M. Krishnan,
Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers.
Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE & COC Delhi, presided, Com. S. K. Vyas,
Advisor, Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President, Com. R. N. Parashar,
Secretary General, NFPE, Com. K. P. Rajagopal, Secretary General, ITEF, Com. M.
S. Raja Secretary General, Audit & Accounts Association, Com.
Madhusoodanan, Com. N. Somaiah (Ground Water Board) Com. Sharma, CGWEF, Com. R.
Seethalakshmi, Convenor, National Mahila Committee. Com. A. K. Mehta, Civil
Accounts, Cat-II, Com. R. K. Gupta, Survey of India, Com. Jayaraj, Atomic
Energy, Arup Chartterjee, Botanical Survey of India, Com. Bhaskar, ITEF
Gazetted officers, Com. S. S. Chauhan, Pay & Accounts officers
Associations, Com. Ombir Singh, ITEF, Com. A. K. Kanojia, ITEF, Com. Mohan,
Central Government Gazetted officers Confederation, Com. T. K. R. Pillai,
Administrative staff Association, Com. Worlikar, Com. R. P. Singh (COC Mumbai)
and other leaders addressed the gathering. Com. Vrigu Bhattaacharjee, Secretary
General, Civil Accounts Employees Association & General Secretary COC Delhi
delivered welcome speech. Com. Geetha Bhattacharjee, Chairperson, Mahila
Committee, COC Delhi gave vote of thanks.

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