- REVISED RATE EFFECTIVE FROM 1.7.2014. (Click the link below for details)
Organisation unifying the entirety of Indian Central Government Employees and Workers on a single platform of struggle and advance.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Circular No. 19 Dated – 27.09.2014
No DA Merger, No Interim Relief, No Inclusion of GDS Under 7th
CPC, No relaxation of Compassionate Appointment condition, No withdrawal of New
Pension Scheme, No Filling up of Posts, No Removal of Bonus Ceiling, No
Assurance Regarding 01.01.2014 Date of Effect of 7th CPC, No
Regularisation of GDS and Casual Labour, For Each Demand the reply is NO, NO,
NO, NO………………
Dear Comrades,
Confederation National Secretariat met at New Delhi on
26.09.2014, under the Presidentship of Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President.
Com. S. K. Vyas Ji, Advisor was also present. After detailed deliberations on
all agenda items, the following decisions are taken.
Decided to further intensify the campaign and
agitational programmes against the Governments attitude towards the legitimate
demands of the Central Government Employees. It is decided to organize two
hours MASS SQUATING of not less than
3000 Central Government employees on 18th November 2014, at a centrally
located important place at all the state capitals. Effort should be made to
ensure maximum participation of Lady comrades in the programme. Next phase of
action will be decided after successful implementation of the above programme.
2. Decided
to explore the possibility of joint action with Railways (AIRF) and Defence
(AIDEF) culminating in strike.
3. Decided
to participate and implement all the decisions taken in the National convention
of workers organised by Central Trade Unions on 15.09.2014.
4. Decided
to organize Two days All India Trade Union workshop of Confederation at
Bangalore on 2015 January 3rd and 4th. Total number of
delegates will be limited to 200. COC Karnataka has agreed to host the Trade
Union workshop.
5. Decided
to grant affiliation to the following two organizations.
Forest Survey of India Employees Association
Nehru Yuvak Kendra Sanghathan (NYKS) workers
Welfare Association.
6. Decided
to organize Dharna in front of all Government of India Presses and Stationery
offices and also in front of Government Medical stores Depot to protest against
the proposed move to close down these offices. In front of Government of India
Presses Dharna will be organised by Confederation on 27th October
2014 and in front of Government Medical Stores Depot dharna will be organised
on 30th October 2014.
7. Financial
position of the Confederation was presented by Financial Secretary Com. Vrigu
Bhattacharjee. CHQ is running with a ‘NIL’ balance. Unless and until all the
affiliated Unions/Associations voluntarily clear all pending dues it will be
very difficult to run the CHQ. It is decided that Financial Secretary shall
issue notice to all affiliated organizations to clear the pending dues.
National Secretariat calls upon all Central
Government employees and also the affiliated organisatons and state COCs to make
the 18th November programme a thundering success.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
As the third phase of Confederation’s nationwide
agitational programmes for settlement of 12 point Charter of Demands submitted
to Government of India on 11.09.2014, a massive dharna was organised at Jantar
Mantar, Parliament street on 25.09.2014. Confederation National Secretariat
members, General Secretaries of COCs, Leaders and workers of affiliated
organizations attended the programme. COC Delhi acted as host and made all
arrangements for the successful conducting of the Dharna which was attended by
more than 500 comrades. Mass Dharna was inaugurated by Com. M. Krishnan,
Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers.
Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE & COC Delhi, presided, Com. S. K. Vyas,
Advisor, Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President, Com. R. N. Parashar,
Secretary General, NFPE, Com. K. P. Rajagopal, Secretary General, ITEF, Com. M.
S. Raja Secretary General, Audit & Accounts Association, Com.
Madhusoodanan, Com. N. Somaiah (Ground Water Board) Com. Sharma, CGWEF, Com. R.
Seethalakshmi, Convenor, National Mahila Committee. Com. A. K. Mehta, Civil
Accounts, Cat-II, Com. R. K. Gupta, Survey of India, Com. Jayaraj, Atomic
Energy, Arup Chartterjee, Botanical Survey of India, Com. Bhaskar, ITEF
Gazetted officers, Com. S. S. Chauhan, Pay & Accounts officers
Associations, Com. Ombir Singh, ITEF, Com. A. K. Kanojia, ITEF, Com. Mohan,
Central Government Gazetted officers Confederation, Com. T. K. R. Pillai,
Administrative staff Association, Com. Worlikar, Com. R. P. Singh (COC Mumbai)
and other leaders addressed the gathering. Com. Vrigu Bhattaacharjee, Secretary
General, Civil Accounts Employees Association & General Secretary COC Delhi
delivered welcome speech. Com. Geetha Bhattacharjee, Chairperson, Mahila
Committee, COC Delhi gave vote of thanks.

Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 -Relaxation to travel by air to visit NER/A&N and J&K
All eligible Government servants may avail LTC to visit any place of North East Region / Andman & Nicobar against the conversion of one block of their Home Town LTC. All members and track in viewers are requested to give wide publicity of this scheme to all staff working under them to enable everybody to enjoy with their family members. To view the orders issued by DoPT under memo No. 31011/03/2014-Estt(A-IV) dated 26th September, 2014 please. CLICK HERE
Government staff to take cleanliness pledge on Gandhi Jayanti -- NEWS
For the first time in the history of India, Gandhi Jayanti will not be a holiday for government staff who will have to report to work to take the 'Swachch Shapath'.
Cabinet Secretary Ajit Seth, on September 20, directed all central government secretaries to ensure that every employee takes the pledge on October 2, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The text of the pledge will soon be sent to all the departments.
Besides this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken several steps to implement one of the biggest public campaigns for cleanliness. The minutes of meeting between Modi and 20 secretaries reveals that a new law may be enforced to ensure cleanliness. The prime minister has asked the law linistry to amend existing laws or to analyse whether a new Act is required to act against those who litter.
The prime minister also directed the Finance Ministry to explore a taxation policy to keep a check on those who pollute.
According to the minutes of meetings, Modi was of the opinion that dairies and cattle are major sources of garbage and pollution in urban areas and towns.
Hence, he directed the animal husbandry department to consider setting up of cattle hostels. The prime minister asked his sub-ordinates to engage Bollywood celebrities in a big way to campaign for his 'Swachch Bharat' mission.
Famous poets and singers should also be a part of the nationwide campaign that will begin on September 25, the prime minister said.
A marathon will be organised by the sports ministry to create awareness about the cleanliness drive in every city with a population of over one lakh.
The Prime Minister further suggested the Department of School and Education to ensure questions on cleanliness in examinations.
Meanwhile, prime minister Modi noted that he had undertaken plans to cleanse the political system and the administration machinery. "Now is the time to cleanse the nation. I want each one of you to contribute in every possible way. It is our vision to present a clean India to the outside world," he asserted.
Coming down heavily on the banking system, Modi wondered whether the banks served the purpose they were set up for. "We need inclusive growth. Our Jan Dhan sceheme will help us achieve it," he said.
Government employees have to be present in office on October 2 to take cleanliness pledge
All government employees will have to be present in office on October 2, Gandhi Jayanthi, the day when Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch 'clean India' campaign, and take the cleanliness pledge, a directive issued by the Cabinet Secretary Ajit Seth on Wednesday said. The employees will be administered 'Swachhata Shapath' (pledge of cleanliness) in government offices, public functions and events on October 2, the directive said. The cleanliness drives led by senior officials will be undertaken in all government and public offices, it said.
The Centre had earlier declared October 2 ( Mahatma Gandhi's birthday) as compulsory holiday. The Prime Minister will on October 2 launch 'clean India' campaign, aimed at cleaning the country. There will be a special cleanliness drive in government offices from Thursday till October 2 to get rid of clutter, garbage and weed out old and unwanted things from government office premises, the directive said.
Modi had on August 15 announced the launch of the campaign.
"I come from a poor family, I have seen poverty. The poor need respect and it begins with cleanliness. I, therefore, have to launch a 'clean India' campaign from October 2 this year and carry it forward in four years," Modi had said in his speech on Independence Day from the Red Fort. The Cabinet Secretary had earlier also written to secretaries of central government departments pressing the need for clean working spaces.
"There are certain offices where construction material is lying for years. In some office premises, unused or junked vehicles are also parked. The departments have already been asked to make sure that no clutter, unused vehicles, rubbles or building material are lying in the office premises," a Personnel Ministry official said. There may be surprise inspections to ensure the effectiveness of cleanliness drive, he said.Senior officials have sprung into action and instructed their concerned supervisors to ensure that the office premises are clean.
Guidelines for allotment of alternate general pool residential accommodation in the Automated System of Allotment on declaration of a house unsafe/dangerous or re-development of government colonies or GPRA required for any other public purpose.
No. 12035/18/2014-Pol.II
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhavan,
New Delhi -110 108.
Dated the 15th September, 2014
New Delhi -110 108.
Dated the 15th September, 2014
Sub: Guidelines for allotment of alternate general pool residential
accommodation in the Automated System of Allotment on declaration of a house
unsafe/dangerous or re-development of government colonies or GPRA required for
any other public purpose.
The undersigned is directed to refer the subject mentioned above and to say
that henceforth allotments of alternate general pool residential accommodation
to allottees on declaration of a house unsafe/dangerous or re-development of
government colonies or GPRA required for any other public purpose shall be done
through Automated System of Allotment [ASA] with effect from 16.9.2014.
2. It has been decided with the approval of the competent authority that in
case of complete government colonies declared unsafe/dangerous, the allottees
of such colonies shall be placed enbloc over the unified (change/initial)
waiting list for same type of accommodation and the allottees may make
preferences of houses in the ASA for allotment.
3. In cases where individual houses in Government colony are declared as
unsafe/dangerous the alternate allotment of accommodation to be made on
priority on the following basis:
a) Vacancies in the same locality or nearby locality to be identified for
priority allotment where such occupants would be given priority in the same
type of accommodation over unified (change/initial) waiting list.
b) The allottee of ground floor accommodation may apply for ground floor and
above and the allottee of first floor above may apply for fist floor and above
and allotment will be made accordingly.
c) Equal number of identified vacancies will be placed for allotment in ASA
in relation to number of such unsafe/dangerous houses.
4. The request of allottee, whose residential accommodation declared as
unsafe/dangerous by the concerned maintenance agency shall be entered into
‘Unsafe Accommodation Register’ of ASA by the concerned Allotment Section.
5. It has been further decided that where a house declared as unsafe/dangerous
for living, the declaration will be by an officer not below the rank of an
Executive Engineer, CPWD and he should satisfy himself before issue of
certificate of declaration. The unsafe/dangerous house(s) may be reported to
NIC, Directorate of Estates online by CPWD on such declaration.
6. It has also been decided that where an entire government residential
colony is declared unsafe/dangerous for living by CPWD or required to be
vacated for re-development, a certificate of declaration from DG, CPWD will
only be accepted along with the work plan to make the colony habitable within a
period of 3 years in consultation with Works Division of Ministry of Urban
7. This OM supersedes the instructions of the Directorate of Estates
O.M.No.12035(1)/91-Pol.II dated 21.2.1991 and O.M.No.12035/16/2005-Pol.IIdated
(Roop Lal)
Deputy Director of Estates
FAQs on How to Mark your Attendance (BAS)
How to mark Attendance using the common biometric attendance system on wall
mounted terminals
To get your Attendance ID, register online at The
Attendance ID will be generated from you Aadhaar number, the 6 digit number
will be generated based on the last 6 or first 6 digits of your Aadhaar number.
The attendance ID will only be active to mark attendance only when your Aadhaar
information is verified by UIDAI and activated by you Nodal officer.
Attendance ID has been sent by SMS to your registered Mobile Number.
Enter your 6-digit Attendance ID on Screen
A Red light will start to glow on Finger Print Scanner
Now put any one of your fingers on the Finger Print Scanner
DO NOT move your finger on scanner otherwise finger prints will not be
properly scanned
DO NOT Press very hard on Finger Print Scanner
Once the screen shows “Authenticating, Please Wait”. Remove your finger from
the scanner
A pop-up screen will show your Photo and Attendance Type as “Opening” for
the first time you mark the attendance for that day
If Attendance Type is “Closing” then it will be counted as OUT Time.
However, OUT time would be the LAST “Closing” time marked by you. Any “Closing”
time in-between “Opening” time and Last “Closing” time would be ignored
If, you see a CROSS instead of your photo, then some ERROR has occurred
while marking attendance.
You will be able to mark your attendance in any bio-metric terminal
installed in various Central Government buildings
You can also mark your attendance in any of finger print devices, which have
been connected on Windows 7 or Windows OS. Presently client attendance software
is not available for MAC OS
If you are having difficulty in marking attendance-using fingerprints scanning
devices, please try marking your attendance through Iris Device, which may be
available with NIC In-charge in your organization
Source :
Honorarium for Guest Faculty
13024/01/2009-Trg.( Trg. Ref)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Training Division
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Training Division
Old JNU Campus.
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110067
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110067
23rd September, 2014
Sub: Honorarium for Guest Faculty
The undersigned is directed to refer
to DoPT’s O.M. No.13024/2/2008-Trg,1 dated 3rd March 2009 wherein rates of
honorarium to the Guest faculty payable to Serving Officers/Non-Serving
Officers/Experts/Eminent persons coming as guest faculty to the Central
Training Establishments (CTIs) have been mentioned The same are reproduced
Existing rates
Serving officers
Rs. 500/- per session
Non-Serving Officers
Rs.1000/- per session
Rs.4000/-per session (with reasons
justifying such resource persons payment duly recorded by the Head of CTI)
2. The above rates were based on the
recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission and accordingly the pattern
followed by the D0PT and LBSNAA, Mussoorie for the purpose of grant of
honorarium payable to Guest Faculty was made applicable to all CTIs for Group A
3. A number of references have been
received in DoP&t from various CTIs for revision of fees/honorarium. The
matter was considered and it is hereby clarified that the Fees / honorarium for
guest speakers can be decided by respective Ministries/Departments in
consultation with their IFD and with approval of the Competent Authority.
4. There will be no change in the
other conditions as mentioned in DoPT’s 0M. referred above.
Rajesh Arya
Director( Trg)
Rajesh Arya
Director( Trg)
Remembrance By Com.
V.V. Jacob Ex-Secretary, Class III Service Association, Survey of India,
Sep 17, 2008
In the history of workers in struggle in India the
nationwide strike of Central Govt. Employees on 19th. September, 1968 has a
prominent place. As we observe 40th. Anniversary of that historic
struggle, we pay our respectful homage to the martyrs who laid down their life
in the struggle. The main demand of employees was “Need Based Minimum Wage” as
recommended by 15th. Indian Labour Conference. When the Govt. refused to settle
the demands through discussion and negotiation, the employees organisations under
the auspicious of “Joint Action Council” decided to go on one day token strike
on 19th. Sept.1968. Accordingly a strike notice was served on Government.
The response of government was unprecedented. An
ordinance namely “Essential Service Maintenance Ordinance” (ESMO) was
issued. The strike was banned under the ordinance. The ordinance
contained many draconian provisions that could be evoked against the strikers
or the so called instigators. As the day of strike approached, many leaders
at different parts of the country were arrested and put behind bars. Many
leaders had to remain underground to lead the strike. Demonstrations and
rallies of employees in various places were dispersed by lathi charge and
police firing. In places like Pathankot in Punjab scores of Railway
workers fell victims to police bullets. Government unleashed misleading
propaganda against the strike. Attempted to engineer rift in major
organisations like NFPTE. Rival leaders were propped up.
In spite of such brutal suppression, misleading propaganda
and attempt to divide, the employees at large struck work on 19th.
Wherever the leaders wavered the strike was not successful. The lesson to
be learnt was that an unwavering and committed leadership can galvanise into
action the rank and file in most adverse situation.
Massive victimisation followed. More than 50,000
employees were dismissed or terminated. All those arrested were suspended
and prosecution continued. Break in service (later converted to dies-non)
and wage cut imposed on all strikers. It took a few years sustained
agitations and legal battles to get most of these victimised employees
re-instated. The dies-non remained.
At Bangalore the preparations for strike was well done under
the dynamic leadership of Com. P. R. Chabaque who was the convenor of the Joint
Action Committee here. Intensive campaigning was done through pamphlets and
office centric meetings. A massive rally was held in Railway Institute ground
behind City Railway station.
Some arrests under ESMO were made at Bangalore. Four of us
in Survey of India were arrested and prosecuted. I was arrested on the 17th evening
while coming out of office at Richmond road after office hours. Though
surprised I was not shaken. I was a temporary employee then, having three years
of service and an ordinary member of the Class III Service Association. On 17th,
around noon our officer-in-charge called a staff meeting and exhorted
the staff not to participate in the strike and threatened of severe
consequences if any one does. Com. P. R. Chabaque, who was the Secretary of the
Class III Service Association, spoke in justification of the strike and I
supported him. This infuriated the O.C. And he abruptly ended the meeting. This
may be the reason for my arrest. Police waited for Com. P.R.C. also, but he
left the office in disguise and evaded the arrest till 20th. I was taken to
Shoolay police station and kept there till the next day. Meanwhile the house I
was staying at Sampangiramnagar was raided and searched. Com. K.P. Nair,
President of our Association was arrested early morning on 18th from his
house near Commercial street. Both of us were produced before the court in Mayo
Hall and remanded and taken to Bangalore Central Jail. Com. A.K.P. Pillai was
arrested on the 19th morning when moving on the road near the office. Com.
Chabaque was arrested on 20th and took out bail immediately. We were in
jail till 21st. We had a few comrades from Railway as inmates. Com. Jayaram,
Kopeswar Rao and Namboothri are few names I could recollect. Though for few
days in jail it was an experience in life.
We were bailed out on the 21st. The prosecution continued
and charge-sheet under ESMO was filed against us. Renowned advocate K.S.
Subbarao argued our case. We were suspended from service immediately after
arrest. The case continued for more than 18 months. In the end we were all
acquitted of charges and our suspensions revoked. Our colleagues supported us
financially and morally during our suspension. Similar suspensions and persecutions
took place in Railways, RMS etc.. I recollect a few names of leaders who were
leading the movements then. Coms. Raghothaman, CV Ananda, N Bhaskaran, Muthu
Subramanian (RMS), MM Farooqui (Telegraph), BN Prakash (Postal), Sastri, MS
Nagaraj (AGS).There were others whose names I am not able to recollect. Strike
in Bangalore was moderately successful. Some offices like RMS and Survey of
India had near total strike.
Though the Central Govt. employees could not get the demand
of need-based minimum wage conceded, the strike made an impact on future
developments on their wage structure and service condtions. The III Pay
Commission appointed after this strike had to seriously discuss this demand in
their report. No struggle goes in vain. The long term impact of a struggle for
a genuine cause should be understood properly. The benefits of past struggles
often accrues to the present/future generation.
Let us salute the martyrs of past struggles.
Let us remember with gratitude all those who suffered
immensely in the past struggles.
Let us carry forward the proud legacy left behind them.
Long live workers unity.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Dated: 8th September, 2014
The 7th Central Pay Commission has been receiving a number
of memoranda, representations from associations/federations as well
as individual cadres on pay and related issues. As part of its
working, the Commission is also hearing various groups of employees
both in Delhi and during its visits outside Delhi.
2. One of the major issues raised before the
Commission centres on the subject of parity. One aspect of parity
manifests in how posts of a similar nature are placed. Certain
cadres/category of employees have, in their deposition before the
Commission, stated that there are cases when identical or similarly placed
cadres/categories of employees in different Ministries/Departments are
placed differentially in terms of pay and promotional prospects.
3. With a view to examining and addressing this aspect of
parity amongst apparently similarly placed cadres/posts, the
Commission has devised a template to be filled in for posts being
administered by your Department. The template seeks to elicit information that
would be readily available in the Recruitment Rules for the concerned post(s)/cadres.
In case your Department only operates posts involving common cadres like the
Central Secretariat Service (CSS), Central Secretariat Stenographers Service
(CSSS), Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS), a NIL report may kindly be
furnished to the Commission.
4. Since the Work of the Commission is
time bound may I request that information as sought is furnished by 25 September 2014. Perhaps a copy of the RRs themselves could be sent as
advance information.
Yours sincerely,
(Meena Agarwal)
Additional benefit on death/disability of Government Servants covered by New Pension Scheme – Clarification regarding RBE 96/2014
RBE No.96/2014
No. 2012/F(E)III/1(1)/4 New Delhi, Dated 08.09.2014
The GMs/FA&CAOs,
All Indian Railways/Production Units/RDSO.
(As per mailing list)
Subject: Additional benefit on death/disability
of Government servant covered by New Pension System- clarification regarding.
A copy each of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services
O.M.No.11/23/2013-PR dated 21.05.2014 and the Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority (PFRDA)’s letter No.PFRDA/24/FXIT/10 dated 22.08.2014 is
enclosed for information and compliance. These instructions shall apply mutatis
mutandis on the Railways also.
2. The Department of Pension & Pensioners’
Welfare (DOP&PW)’s O.M. dated 05.05.2009 and the PFRDA’s circular
No.PFRDA/2013/2/PDEX/2 dated 22.01.2013 mentioned in the Ministry of Finance’s
O.M dated 21.05.2014 were circulated to the Zonal Railways vide Board’s letter
No. 2008/AC-II/21/19 dated 29.05.2009 and letter No. 2010/AC-II/21/18 dated
02.07.2013 respectively.
3. Please acknowledge receipt.
(Amitabh Joshi)
D.A.: Two. Deputy Director Finance (Estt.)III,
Railway Board.
Ph. No. 23383239
No. 2012/F(E)III/1(1)/4 New Delhi, Dated: 08.09.2014.
Copy to Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Railways), Room
No.224, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi (40 spares).
Reimbursement when Pensioners take treatment immediately after Retirement before getting CGHS Cards
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has now
decided to clarify the matter as follows :-
(I) The treatment taken and expenditure Incurred
thereon within the grace period of three months from the date of
retirement will be allowed and expenditure reimbursable
subject to the condition that the beneficiary has either obtained or applied
for CGHS pensioner card with all documents and requisite CGHS subscription
within one month of expiry of the grace period of three months.
(ii) It is further clarified that the
expenditure on treatment taken after the grace period of three months from
date of retirement will not be reimbursable unless the beneficiary has
obtained a valid CGHS card or has applied for CGHS pensioner card with
all documents and requisite CGHS subscription prior to taking such
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
MANTAR, NEW DELHI ON 25.09.2014 FROM 10:30 AM
Confederation National Secretariat congratulates entire
Central Government Employees for making the nationwide agitational programmes a
grand success. Submission of memorandum and demonstration on 11.09.2014, Mass
Protest Dharnas at all important centres on 19.09.2014, are organised
everywhere with larges participation of employees.
Next Phase of programme is Mass Dharna at Jantar Mantar
(Parliament Street) New Delhi by leaders and workers of Confederation and all
its affiliated organizations.
Merger of DA with pay for all employees w.e.f. 01.01.2014 including Gramin Dak
Sewaks and Pensioners.
2. Grant
of Interim Relief to all employees including Gramin Dak Sewaks and Pensioners.
3. Inclusion
of Gramin Dak Sewaks under the purview of 7th Central Pay Commission
4. Scrap
PFRDA Act and grant statutory defined pension to all including those appointed
on or after 01.01.2004.
5. Date
of effect of 7th CPC recommendation should be 01.01.2014.
6. Regularisation
and Revision of wages of casual labourers and contract workers.
7. Removal
of 5% condition for compassionate appointment.
8. Fill
up all vacant post and creation of New Post wherever justified.
9. Stop
Downsizing, Outsourcing, Contractorisation and Privatisation of Government
10. Grant productivity Linked Bonus to all without
ceiling; Computer bonus as weighted average of PLB for those not covered by PLB
11. Revise OTA and NDA and implement arbitration
12. Settle all pending anomalies of 5th and
6th Pay Commission.
Confederation National Secretariat will meet on 26.09.2014 to
decide further course of action.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: 09447068125
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