CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS. A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan,Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027 | | Tel: 011-2510 5324: Mobile: 98110 48303 |
Dated: 19.01.2010
Dear Comrade,
The National Council of the JCM which was scheduled to meet on 16th January, 2010 was postponed. The next date for the meeting has not been indicated. The Staff Side has received the draft minutes of the first Anomaly Committee meeting. The same is being finalized and is expected to be issued officially in a few days' time.
The first meeting of the National Secretariat of the newly elected office bearers of the Confederation was held at Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027. Of the 27 members of the National Secretariat, only 18 comrades attended and participated in the discussion. Those who could not attend the meeting were:
(i) M. Duraipandian. Vice President.
(ii) N. Somayya. Vice President
(iii) P.K. Das. Organising Secretary
(iv) Geeta Ghoshal. Organising Secretary
(v) R. Seethalakshmi. Organising Secretary
(vi) Pijush Roy. Organising Secretary
(vii) P.Rajanayagam . Organising Secretary
(viii) D.P. S. Madan. Organising Secretary
(ix) Mani Achari. Organising Secretary
We give herunder the decisions taken at the meeting on each of the agenda item.
Agdenda Item No.1. Minutes of the National Council held on 4th,5th and 6th December, 2009. The Secretary General had circulated the detailed minutes of the Council meeting. The same was read out at the house. The corrections pointed out by the members of the Secretariat were carried out. The final version of the minutes as approved by the Secretariat is enclosed. (Annexure I)
Agenda Item No.2. Business arising from the decisions taken at the National Council meeting.
The meeting decided to assign the following task to the Secretariat members:
1. Com. Ashok Kanojia, Organising Secretary would be incharge of Media contact and publicity.
2. Com. Geetha Ghoshal and R. Seethalakshmi would be the Chairman and convenor respectively of the Women's Committee of the Confederation, Each affiliate and State COC will nominate one Lady Comrade to be the member of the Women's committee. This must be done latest by 28th Feb. 2010. The Chairman and Convenor of the Women Committee will hold the first convention of the women comrades some time in the month of April.2010.
3. Com. P.K. Das and R.P. Singh. Would ensure that the Gujarath and Maharashtra State Committee of the Confederation are properly constituted and convention held latest by June, 2010.
4. Com.Mani Achari is entrusted to get in touch with the Autonomous bodies In Tamilnadu and Pondichery who are getting Central Pay Scales and governed by the Central Rules with a view to get them affiliated with the State Committee as also at the National level.
5. V. Nageswara Rao will get in touch with all Central Government orgaisations in the State of Chattisgarh and Orissa and contact the State Committee leaders to hold the State Convention to form the State Committees of Confederation at Chattisgarh and Orissa within six month.
6. Com. P. Suresh will contact the leaders of the Autonomous bodies functioning in the State of Andrha Pradesh (those who follow the Central Pay scales) and get them affiliated to the Confederation.
7. Com. Pijush Roy is entrusted with the task of forming the Bihar State Committee of the Confederation. He will get in touch with the leaders of the Patna COC and would do the needful. The Bihar State Committee is to be a functional unit within six months time.
8. Com. P. Rajanayagam will make efforts to get the affiliation of autonomous bodies functioning in the State of Karnataka and Kerala with the State Committee of the Confederation as also at the National level.
9. Com. D.P.S Madan has been entrusted with the task of contacting various organizations of Delhi State employees and convene a meeting of these organizations a within a period of six months. He will also contact the autonomous bodies functioning at Delhi which follows the Central Pay Scale with a view to affiliate them with the confederation.
10. Com. T.K. R. Pillai will take initiative to hold a convention of the Central Govt. employees organizations in the State of Madhya Pradesh along with the autonomous bodies functioning in that State with a view to have a State Committee of the Confederation. He will get in touch with the leaders of the M.P. State Committee in this regard.
11. Com. K.V. Jayaraj will be responsible for brining about a State Committee of Confederation in Rajasthan in consultation with the State Secretary.
12. Com. I.S. Dabas will organize State Committees of Confederation in Haryana, Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir.
13. Com. K.K.N. Kutty has been asked to ensure that the U.P. State Committee of the Confederation (by mutual discussion with the East and West U.P. Committee) is formed with the CHQ at Lucknow. He will also initiate discussion with the leaders of the Central Govt. Organisations of Uttarakand and form a State Committee for the Uttarakand.
14. Com.K. Ragavendran Working President will take steps to form the State Committee of the Confederation at Jharkhand.
15. Com. M.S. Raja Secretary will be in charge of the entire North Eastern Region.
16. All these comrades will file a bimonthly statement indicating the efforts taken by them in accomplishing the assigned task to the National Secretariat.
The meeting asked the Secretary General to convey to the Central Trade Unions of the decision of the National Council to take part in all common movement of the Working Class in the country against the neo liberal economic policies as also of the issues affecting the working class in General. The Confederation will request the Central Trade Unions to kindly communicate to them the decisions taken by them in this regard and make confederation an associate member in the decision making forum like sponsoring committee etc.
Agenda Item No. 3. Discussion with the AISGEF and AIDEF. The Secretary General informed the house that he along with Com. President, SK. Vyas, Com. K.P. Rajgopal, Vice President, Com. M.S. Raja Secretary met the leaders of the AISGEF to explore the possibility of organizing a joint Strike action in the Budget Session of the Parliament against the re introduction of PFRDA Bill and the new Direct Taxes Code. They have agreed to discuss this issue in their forthcoming conference at Hyderabad. They have invited the President and Secretary General for this conference. Com. President said that he had been in touch with Com. Srikumar, Secretary General of the AIDEF with the same proposal. The AIDEF leaders have stated that they would consider the said proposal in their National Executive Committee.
Agenda Item No. 4. Finalisation of the receipt and payment account of the Reception Committee of the 23rd National Council meeting.
Com. V. Bhattacharjee, Covnenor, Reception Committee sought time up to the end of Febraury for the finalization of accounts. This was agreed to.
Agenda Item No.5. Membership of the affiliated Federation/Association. After a long discussion on the subject it was decided that the Secretary General will convey the membership of each affiliated Association/Federation as indicated at the National Council meeting held at Trivandrum. The affiliated Associations/Federations may respond to either confirm or make changes in the number of members within a period one month from the issue of the said letter. If no communication is received from the affiliates, the membership as shown in the letter of the Secretary General will be deemed to be the actual membership of the concerned organizations. The subscription dues for the year 2009-10 will be worked out on the basis of the declared membership. The subscription due for the year 2009-10 would be remitted to the CHQ preferably by the end of the Financial year and in any case before the expiry of the extended period of three months i.e. 30th June, 2010. It was also decided that the Secretary General will write a letter to those organizations who did not send in their representatives to the National Council meeting with a request to indicate the reasons for their absence.
Agenda Item No. 6.Matters connected with the publication of the Souvenir. The Secretary General indicated that most of the affiliates and COCs had not complied with the modest target fixed in this regard. It was pointed out that with the limited number of advertisement received the publication of souvenir would result in heavy loss. The Secretariat decided to request the affiliates and COCs once again to reach the target and bring out the souvenir by 20th March, 2010 as some of the advertisers may not make the payment if the same is brought out after March, 2010. A separate communication would go from the Souvenir Committee in this regard
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion with the organizations in the State of Pondichery for the effective functioning of the State Committee.
It was reported to the house that after discussions with all the concerned comrades, the following decisions had been arrived at:
(i) All units will carry out the call of the Confederation either unitedly or independently without any dilution.
(ii) The Pondichery State Committee of the Confederation will hold annual convention as early as possible to elect the office bearers.
(iii) The manner in which the decisions taken are implemented would be reviewed after a year to take appropriate further action to cement the unity of the employees in the State of Puduchery.
Agenda Item No. 8.
Any other matter:
(i) Journal. It was decided to bring about a quarterly journal, the first issue being in the month of April, 2010. There will be four issues in a year. Since the publication of two issues is a pre-requisite for getting newspaper and postal registration, the first two issues would cost more . After some discussion it was decided that the three issues of 2010 may be charged at the annual rate of Rs. 40/- and thereafter the four issues together will have the same subscription rate. As and when the number of subscribers increases, the journal may carry more pages as the overhead expenses would get distributed with a cost reduction impact. The journal will have the following name, if approved by the Registrar of Newspapers. If for some reason, the suggested name is not acceptable to the Registrar, appropriate name would be proposed.
S p a r k.
to ignite the spirit of unity.
Journal of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers.
(ii) The application for affiliation from the All India Federation of Museum Employees and workers Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad 500002. A.P.India with 1500 members was considered by the house. Since the condition for affiliation has been complied with, the house decided to grant them affiliation on receipt of Rs. 100/- as the affiliation fees. They will remit Rs. 1500 as subscription for the year 2009-10. (Total: 1600/-)
(iii) The members had raised certain issues for the consideration of the Secretary General and President. Viz. the anomaly in the assignment of pay scale of LDCs and UDCs, the CGHS problem of recognized super specialty hospital not admitting patients without pre payment in Hyderabad, the non issue of certificate in the case of emergency admission, entitlement of Government accommodation under the new dispensation, de-recognition of Unions without a verification; non grant of recognition to the unions even after complying with the RSA rules, Non setting up of anomaly committees in departments etc. The Secretary General has been asked to take up these issues with the Government.
The meeting was concluded at 8.00 PM.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.