Organisation unifying the entirety of Indian Central Government Employees and Workers on a single platform of struggle and advance.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
The meeting of Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS) under the
Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary with Standing Committee members of JCM (NC)
staff side is scheculed to be held on 1st March 2016 at 06:45 PM in
the Committee Room, Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi vide
Under Secretary (IC) letter F. No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 24.02.2016.
It has therefore been decided that the
preliminary Staff Side meeting of the Standing Committee
members will be held on 1st march 2016 at 11.00 AM in the office of National Council (JCM), 13-C, Ferozshah
Road, New Delhi – 110001 for internal discussion.
You are requested to make it convenient to attend the said meeting on the date and time referred to above.
You are requested to make it convenient to attend the said meeting on the date and time referred to above.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Gopal Mishra)
For Equal
Rights; Equal Opportunities for all working women
Under the right wing regime of
the Modi led NDA government in the country attacks on the basic and fundamental
rights of all sections including minorities, dalits, women etc. have increased.
BJP ruled states like Haryana and Rajasthan are even denying the right to
contest in panchayat elections on the basis of literacy, number of children and
indebtedness etc. People are increasingly being attacked for not conforming to
the dictates of these communal forces on their eating, dressing and other
personal choices. All these are meant to deny the constitutionally guaranteed
rights of equal rights and equal opportunities to all citizens of the country
irrespective of their gender, caste or creed.
All state committees of Confederation
and its affiliated organisations must highlight all these aspects and issues
related to ‘Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities’ for women workers on this
occasion. All are requested to link these up with the neoliberal policies being
implemented by successive governments and the communal divisive ideology.
All State committees, District
committees and affiliated organisations are requested to take proper
organisational measures to ensure effective observance of International Women’s
Day, wherever possible, jointly with the state coordination committees of
working women. Efforts should be made for joint activities with fraternal
organisations including the women’s subcommittees of fraternal trade union
organisations in the planning and observance of the International Women’s Day
in a befitting manner.
M. Krishnan
Secretary General
Usha Bonepalli
Women’s Sub Committee
R. Seethalakshmi
Women’s Sub Committee
Kerala state COC organized state level study camp at Aluva, Ernakulam on 19th
and 20th February 2016. Com. P. Rajeev Ex-MP inaugurated the camp
and delivered speech on the subject ‘Present International and National
scenario. Then Com. M. Krishnan SG Confederation on the subject ‘History of
Central Government Movements’, Com. A. P. Ahmed ‘ Threat of communalism in the
country’, Dr. P. S. Sreekala on ‘Present
India and women employees’, Professor K.
N. Gangadharan on ‘Neo liberal economic
policy and working class’ were taken
classes. Coms. V. Sreekumar, President COC Kerala, Babu Thomas ITEF, Jacob
Thomas, P. K. Muralidheran NFPE, Rosamma Thomas Convenor Women Committee were
presided in different sessions. Com. P. V. Rajendran, Convenor COC, Kerala and Com.
O. C. Joy Convenor Reception Committee delivered the welcome speech and vote of
thanks. Cultural programmes also arranged by the reception committed lead by COC
Ernakulam. 340 delegates representing 14
district committee and 32 CG organizations attended the study camp. P. V. Rajendran
General Secretary, COC Kerala.

Thursday, February 25, 2016
Dated 28.1.2016
All India
Protest Day on 10th March, 2016 on 12 point charter
New Delhi: All the Central
Trade Unions met on 27th January 2016 and resolved to continue their
protest action against the anti labour policies of the Central and some State
Govts. Central Trade Unions decided to
observe 10th March, 2016 as All India Protest Day against Govt. indifference to the 12 point charter of
demands and its unwillingness to restart discussions for working out
concrete steps for resolution of the issues.
The Central Trade Unions
reviewed the drastically deteriorating conditions
of work and life of the working people and govt. going ahead with labour law
amendments, disinvestment of PSUs and allowing FDI in strategic sectors. The
Govt., it appears, does not want to wait for legislating these anti worker
labour law amendments, it is taking away rights of workers by way of executive
orders and directing state govts to carry out such pro-management amendments.
The trade unions condemned one such directive issued by the Secretary, Ministry
of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India on this 12th January
granting exemption to so called start up enterprises from inspection and
application of 9 major labor law legislations, thereby legitimizing the
The Central Trade Unions
took note of and extend solidarity to the
sectoral struggles of workers/employees in Banks, Defence, Coal, Port
and Docks and Telecommunications sectors, the anganwadi workers on their
respective demands and also the Central
Govt. employees including Railways resolve to launch action against retrograde
recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission. They also expressed
their serious concern over extremely harsh punishment of “double life
imprisonment” given by the Court to eight workers of Pricol Ltd., Coimbatore
and appealed to all workers to extend help and solidarity.
The Central Trade Unions
also decided to organize massive National Convention of Workers in Talkatora
Stadium, New Delhi in the last week of March, 2016 to decide about the next
course of united action programme.
Fight against anti labour
policies will continue. The Central Trade Unions directed its constituents to prepare
jointly for protest action on 10th March, 2016. They also appealed
to independent employees/workers/unions and federations to participate in the
protest action against the offensive of the Govt. against workers and common
Minutes of the Meeting of Joint Secretary (IC) with the Members of the Staff-Side of the Standing Committee (National Council-JCM) held on 19.02.2016
Meeting was held under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary (Implementation
Cell), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, with the Members of the
StaffSide of the Standing Committee (National Council-JCM) on 19.2.2016 to
discuss the issues raised by the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) {Joint
Consultative Machinery (JCM)} in their letter No. NJC/2015/7th CPC dt.
10.12.2015, addressed to the Cabinet Secretary, regarding their Charter of
Demands on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission. The
Secretary, Staff-Side of the Standing Committee (National Council- JCM), who is
the convener of the NJCA, along with other office bearers attended the
The list of the participants from the Staff-Side is attached at
Annexure. 2. Welcoming the members of the Staff-Side, JS(IC) mentioned that the
meeting has been convened to enable the Staff-Side to bring out their concerns
on the recommendations of the 7th CPC in the light of the Charter of Demands
made by them in the aforesaid letter of NJCA so that same could be examined in
the Implementation Cell and submitted for consideration of the Empowered
Committee of Secretaries. He informed the office bearers that before arriving
at a decision, the ECoS would also hold separate discussions with the Staff
2. Commencing the discussions from the Side of the Members
of the Staff-Side, Secretary, Staff-Side, Standing Committee (National
Council-JCM), explained that they have already placed their Charter of Demands
as per the letter of NJCA dated 10.12.2015. He mentioned that the reasons based
on which these demands have been made have also been explained therein. He,
however, highlighted that the Staff-Side is not at all happy with the
recommendations of the 7th CPC and, in fact, no section of the employees is
satisfied, as the Commission has recommended a minimal pay increase as compared
to the previous Pay Commissions. He mentioned that the Staff-Side does not
agree with the minimum pay of Rs. 18000 and the reason as to why the
methodology adopted by the 7th CPC to arrive at this figure is not correct has
been explained in their letter dated 10.12.2015. He stated that Staff-Side
demands enhancement of the minimum pay to Rs. 26000 and the reasons in support
of this have been given in their aforesaid letter. He further stated that an
amicable and mutually negotiated settlement of these demands is necessary as
non-acceptance would further cause resentment in the employees. He informed
that Staff-Side has already made their stand clear to go on strike from 11th
April, 2016 if their demands are not considered and no amicable settlement
happens. 3. Thereafter, the other members of the Staff-Side also expressed
their arguments for acceptance of these demands and all of them emphasised that
the minimum pay needs to be revised. Consequently, the fitment multiple of 2.57
would also need commensurate change. The leader of the Staff-Side explained
that the office bearers who were present in the meeting represent various
sections of Central Government employees including railways, defence civilians,
postal employees etc., the number of which is around Rs. 32 lakhs. Contd.. -2-
The Staff-Side brought out their concerns on all the 26 demands
included in the Charter of Demands and all the points brought out by them in
the letter of the NJAC dt. 10.12.2015 were reiterated. However, following
issues in support of their demands were highlighted :- (i) Minimum Pay needs to
be revised to Rs. 26000 p.m. and the minimum pay of Rs. 18000 p.m. as
recommended by 7th CPC is not acceptable. This would require upward revision in
the fitment multiple of 2.57 and change in the Pay Matrix. It was argued that
if the 10% of the pay for NPS contribution and the recommended increase in the
CGEIS contribution are taken into account, there would be a drop in the
take-home salary of the employees at the minimum pay of Rs.18000. (ii) Central
Government employees need to be excluded from the National Pension Scheme
(NPS), which has been a long pending demand of the StaffSide. The Staff-Side
stated that the Pension Fund which has been created under NPS to generate
annuity for employees, would not ensure reasonable pension. Rather it is quite
likely that it may generate negative returns because of the dismal performance
of the financial market to which the fund is invested, leaving the employees
without any reasonable social security benefit. (iii) The 7th CPC has
recommended abolition of 52 allowances without properly appreciating the
justification of these allowances. The example of break-down allowance in case
of Railway employees was given, stating that this allowances is given so that
the concerned employees take up the necessary follow up action in the case of
breakdown on an urgent basis and therefore its withdrawal is not justified in
operational interests of Railways. (iv) The withdrawal of advances, especially
LTC, TA, Medical, National Calamity Advance, was not justified. It was argued
that these advances are recovered from the employees and, therefore, the same
should be retained.
(v) In regard to enhancement of contribution under Group
Insurance Scheme, it was argued that increase in the contribution from the
employees was not justified and if the same is to be raised, the Government
should bear the insurance premium.
(vi) The post of LDC should be upgraded to UDC and as part of
delayering, Grade Pays of Rs. 1900, Rs. 2400 and Rs. 4600 should be abolished
and merged with the next higher Grades.
(vii) The rate of increment needs to be raised from 3% to 5%
because pay is revised in the Central Government after 10 years. It was
mentioned that in the PSUs the pay is revised after 5 years and the rate of
increment is also higher.
(viii) Two increments in the feeder post may be granted as
promotion benefit. (ix) Fixed medical allowance for pensioners who are not
covered by CGHS and REHS needs to be increased from Rs. 500 p.m. to Rs. 2000
(x) The recommendation regarding grant of only 80% of salary for
the second year of Child Care Leave need not be accepted and the existing
provisions may be retained Contd.. -3-
(xi) It was also demanded that though the D/o Expenditure has
sought the comments of the Ministries/Department on the issues pertaining to
them after consulting the Staff Associations, administrative Departments are
not inviting the Staff associations for discussions. 5. After detailed
explanation by the Staff-Side on all the demands included in the Charter of
Demands, JS(IC), while concluding the discussions, assured the Staff-Side that
the concerns and demands made by them would be placed before the Empowered
Committee of Secretaries for consideration after examining the same in the
light of the recommendations of the Commission.
He also mentioned that in cases where the comments of the
administrative Ministries/ Departments would be necessary, e.g., the case of
break-down allowance pertaining to Ministry of Railways, the same would be
considered before the issues are placed before the E-CoS. As regards the issue
raised that the administrative Departments are not inviting staff associations
for discussions, JS(IC) mentioned that the Departments have to formulate the
views keeping in view the representations made by the Staff Associations. 6.
Thereafter, the meeting ended with thanks to the chair.
**** Annexure Members of the Staff side of the National
Joint Council (JCM), who attended the meeting with JS (IC) held on 19.02.2016
-7th Central Pay Commission S.No Name (S/Shri) 1. Shiva Gopal Mishra 2.
M.Raghavaiah 3. N.Kanniah 4. Guman Singh 5. K.K.N.Kutty 6. C.Srikumar 7.
S.N.Pathak 8. Ashok Singh 9. R.N.Prashar 10. M.S. Raja 11. Giri Raj singh 12.
Satish Chander 13. R.Srinivasan
Implementation of Recommendation of 7th CPC- Minutes of the Meeting
of Joint Secretary (IC) with the Members of the Staff-Side of the Standing
Committee (National Council-JCM) held on 19.02.2016 CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
All affiliated organizations of confederation your attention please
Dear Comrades,
Please see below the list of
Nodal officers appointed by various Ministries/Department for processing and
submission of proposals for modification of 7th CPC Recommendation
to the Implementation cell. Also see Reminder sent by Implementation cell of
Nodal officers for expediting the comments. All affiliated organizations are
requested to keep in touch with the Nodal officers of their departments and
ensure that comments are sent to Implementation cell within the stipulated
period in consultation with the staff side of each department. Please treat it
as most urgent/important.
M. Krishnan
Secretary General
Reminder from Joint Secretary (IC) to Nodal Officers for expediting
the comments TO
Friday, February 19, 2016
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Brief of the NJCA meeting held on 19.02.2016 with the Convener, Implementation Cell, Ministry of Finance (Government of India), reg. 7th CPC recommendations and
Charter of Demands of the NJCA
A meeting of the NJCA held today with the
Convener, Implementation Cell, Ministry of Finance, Shri R.K. Chaturvedi,
wherein we discussed and emphasized on all the 26-point Charter of Demands of
the NJCA send to the Cabinet Secretary on 10.12.2015.
We agitated the issues of NPS, Minimum
Wage, Multiplying Factor, deduction of HRA and all other important issues.
The Convener, Implementation Cell, Shri
Chaturvedi, after hearing everybody, said that, he would put-up the issues to
the Cabinet Secretary, and hopefully a meeting of the JCA would be held with
the Cabinet Secretary and the Empowered Committee shortly within 15 days.
Let us not leave any stone unturned for preparations of the
With Best Wishes!
Shiva Gopal Mishra
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry
Road, New Delhi – 110055
No.NJC/2015/7th CPC February 9, 2016
Constituents of NJCA
Dear Comrade
The NJCA met on
08.02.2016 as scheduled. The meeting after taking into account various factors
decided that the proposed indefinite strike will commence from 11.04.2016 if no
settlement is brought about on the charter of demands by that time. The meeting
also took the following decisions.
Strike notice will be served by the NJCA and all its
constituents on 11.03.2016 by holding massive demonstration.
There will be a massive Rally on 11.03.2016 at Delhi and leaders
of NJCA will make it possible to attend the said rally and the strike notice
will be served on Cabinet Secretary, Government of India.
All the National JCA leaders will attend Rally at the State
Capitals/big industrial centres during the month March and April, 2016. Dates
will be finalised in consultation with the concerned State JCA.
To strengthen the campaign, the NJCA will place on the website a
pamphlet explaining the demands.
Posters will be centrally designed and kept in the website for
State JCAs and constituents to adopt.
All Constituents will undertake independent campaign programmes
in the month of March 2016 to popularize the demands.
29th March will be observed as solidarity day throughout
the country unitedly by all the Constituents of NJCA.
The indefinite strike will commence at 6 am on 11.04.2016.
The updated Charter of Demands on which the indefinite strike is
to be organized is enclosed.
The Constituent organizations may add sectional demands as Part
B of the Charter of Demands of the NJCA
The National JCA appeals all
constituents to make intensive campaigns to make the strike an unprecedented
Yours fraternally,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Charter of Demands
Settle the issues raised by the NJCA on the recommendations of
the 7 CPC sent to Cabinet Secretary vide letter dated 10th December
Remove the injustice done in the assignment of pay scales to
technical/safety categories etc. in Railways& Defence, different categories
in other Central Govt establishments by the 7 CPC
Scrap the PFRDA Act and NPS and grant Pension/family Pension to
all CG employees under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 & Railways Pension Rules,
i) No privatization, /outsourcing/contractorisation of
governmental functions
ii) Treat GDS as Civil Servants
and extend proportional benefit on pension and allowances to the GDS
No FDI in Railways & Defence; No corporatization of Defence
Production Units and Postal Department.
Fill up all vacant posts in the government departments, lift the
ban on creation of posts; Regularise the casual/contract workers
Remove ceiling on compassionate ground appointments
Extend the benefit of Bonus Act,1965 amendment on enhancement of
payment ceiling to the adhoc Bonus/PLB of Central Government employees with
effect from the Financial year 2014-15
Ensure Five promotions in the service career of an employee
Do not amend Labour Laws in the name of Labour Reforms which
will take away the existing benefits to the workers
Revive JCM functioning at all levels
Government of
India &
National Council/JCM
Subject: 7th CPC recommendations – Reg.
We have written under the cover of
the NJCA’s letter in No JJCA/2015/7th CPC dated 11th
December 2015 our comprehensive suggestions for effecting changes in the
recommendations of the 7th CPC. This was also subjected to
discussion with the JS (A) of DOPT on 11.12.2015 in response to the letter in
No 3/1/2015-JCA dated 10-12-2015.
We request that the same may be
treated as the consensus view of the Staff Side, JCM/National Council.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Meeting of the National Joint Council of Action (Railways,
Defence, Postal, Confederation) held on 08th February 2016
unanimously decided to serve indefinite strike notice on 11th March
2016 and to commence indefinite strike from 11th April 2016.
Further details
will follow.
Secretary General
Confederation of
Central Govt. Employees & Workers
Discontinuation of interview for direct recruitment to
various Group B & C posts in non-statutory departmental canteen located in
Central Government Offices.(Click the link below
for details)
Friday, February 5, 2016
Please read the following minutes of the Implementation
cell of the Finance Ministry which is acting as the Secretariate of the
Empowered Committee constituted by the Government under the Chairmanship of
Cabinet Secretary for processing of 7th CPC recommendations for
submission to the cabinet for approval. Please ensure (1) that your department
has nominated a nodal officer and try to interact with him (2) that your organization
has submitted a memorandum or letter to your departmental head seeking modifications
to the department-specific recommendations of the 7th CPC (3) that
your departmental head held consultations with your organization on the
department specific modifications submitted by you, before finalizing the
proposals for submission to the Implementation cell (4) that proposal as per
the demand of your organsiation for modifying the proposal of 7th
CPC is submitted to the Implementation cell within two weeks (i.e before
16.02.2016) by your department.
Please note that this is the only stage when the
Unions/Associations/Federations in each department shall get an opportunity to
present their demand for modifications on department
– specific recommendations of the 7th CPC. If we fail to
Intervene effectively at this state, we may not get another chance to present
our case before the Government.
Regarding common demands JCM (NC) Staff side had
already submitted its memorandum to Cabinet Secretary and two stages
agitational programmes are organised and is preparing for indefinite strike.
Regarding Department-specific issues Confederation National Secretariat held
last month had given a clear direction to all affiliated organizations to organize
departmental level agitational programmes by each organsations (if possible
jointly with other organizations in that department) on department- specific
modifications submitted to each Departmental head. Unless we build up pressure
by organizing struggle the departmental heads may not consider our demand for modification
seriously and may not even submit any proposal for modifications to the Implementation
Please note the following decisions
of the Implementation cell.
Nodal officers to
take net of any representation or demand of the staff side Association under
the administrative purview of their Department. Nodal officers to ascertain the
views/comments of the concerned office in the light of the representation/demands
raised by the staff Association.
In case, there is
any need for consultation with the staff Association at the level of the Department,
the same may be done as per the assessment of the Department.
In case, the
Department is of the view that any recommendation which are specifically related
to their Department, need any modification, adequate justification in clear-cut
terms should be brought out while sending the comments to the implementation cell
In case of any
modification, the extra financial implication (per annum) over the recommendations
of the commission should be clearly indicated.
If any modification
is suggested approval of the Minster (of the concerned department should be
All the above formalities are to be completed within
two weeks and proposal should be submitted to the implementation cell within
two weeks i.e., before 16.02.2016.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Please see the following letter &
Attachment received from JCM Staff Side, Secretary on Uniform Allowances & send
your report before 5th February.
Urgent please
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
E-mail ID –,
I am directed to attached herewith a copy of letter No. 14/4/2015-JCA-2
dated 3.2.2016 received from Shri G. Srinivasan, Dy. Secretary - JCA,
Department of Personnel & Training for your kind information &
necessary action. You are therefore requested to send your comments / view in
this matter possibility by 6th February 2016.
Report and photographs for relief to the tea plantation workers of North Bengal
Relief was distributed among the
starving tea plantation workers by the central government employees in Red Bank
and Surendra Nagar garden on 31 January, 2016.About 1050 families received
packets of ration aranged by the activists of Coordination Committee working in
Siliguri Subdivision and Jalpaiguri District .To lead the relief works Comrade
Tapan Dasgupta, Partha Guha and Manisha Majumder went from Kolkata. Around 50
activists with Com Nanda Sen and Uttam Sarkar joined the work. Total expense
incurred was 325000. West Bengal C-O-C has plan to Visit another garden if fund
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