Thursday, May 30, 2013


First Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building
New Delhi. 110 001
Website: www.confederationhq.
Dated: 30th May, 2013.

Dear Comrade,

A meeting of the representatives of Staff Side National Council with Secretary, Pension AR & PG on pensionary matters was held on 28.5.2013. Staff Side was represented by S/ Shri S.G. Mishra and Rakhal Das Gupta (AIRF), Guman Singh (NFIR) and K.K.N.kutty and S.K.Vyas (Confederation)

Old Items

The following issues have been discussed

1.      Ex-gratia Payment to SRPF / CPF beneficiaries who had voluntarily retired or medically invalidated. It has been decided to implement the Kerala High Court judgment in general and extend the benefit of exgratia payment to the meagre number of pre 1986 optees who retired voluntarily or on medical invalidation after rendering 20 years of service. The enabling orders are to be issued shortly.

2.      Raising quantum of ex-gratia to CPF retirees on lines of SRPF.

         In respect of SRPF retirees of the Railways, the rate of ex-gratia was raised from Rs. 600/- pm to Rs. 750/- pm to Rs. 3000pm with effect from 1.11.2006. The Govt. have now decided to revise the rate of exgratia in respect of CPF retirees at the above rates I. e. Rs. 750/- to Rs. 3000/- pm w.e.f. 1.11.2006.

3.      Issue of Revised PPOs in favour of Pre 2006 retirees and others.

         In the case Civilian departments about 4 lakhs of cases reported pending on 1.8.2012, now only 1.30 lakhs are pending and these would also be cleared by
 30.6.2013. In the case of Railways total pendency in August 2012 was 10.8 lakhs which has been brought down to 5.54 lakhs. Now when it has been decided that revised PPOs may be issued suo mottu by the Railway authorities, the entire pending is targeted to be cleared by 30th September 2013.In the case of Defence civilians, action is being taken to issue all pending PPOs by 30.9.2013.

4.      Fixation of revised pension by multiplying pre-revised 1/3rd pension (in  respect of PSU absorbees) by a factor of 2.26.In the case the speaking order issued by the Govt. on 26.11.2012 that no further increase in pension of absorbee pensioners would be allowed has been challenged in CAT Hyderabad and the Tribunal has passed orders on 24.4. 2013. This order is under examination.

5.      Commutation of Pension.
The Govt. have not agreed to reduce the period of 15 years to 11 years for restoration even in the cases where commutation has been paid at the rates prescribed in the New Table. The Govt. wanted that the matter may be raised before 7th pay commission.

6.      Family pension to divorced / widowed / unmarried daughters –nomination for life time arrears by the family pension in respect of his / her daughter. This has not been agreed to.

7.      Non payment of arrears of pension on account of Revision of pension w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in case of pensioner of Chandrapur. Now these arrears have been disbursed by all Banks.

New Items.

I. Equitable Gratuity  under Rule 50 of Pension Rules, 1972.

As recommended by IV CPC the following rates of Death Gratuity had been provided for:-

Sl. No.      Length of Service                                                    Rate of Death Gratuity
1.              Less than one year                                                 2 times emoluments
2.              One year or more but less  Then 5 years               6 times of emoluments

3.              5 Years or more but less than  20 years                12 times emoluments
4.              20 years or more                                                     half of emoluments for every  
                                                                                     completed six  monthly period
                                                                                     of    qualifying service subject  
                                                                                     to maximum  of 33 times of

Staff Side suggested the following amendment in Sl. No. 3 above which
may be split as under:-

a).     Five years or more                                                          12 times the emoluments
                                                                                      but less than 11 years.

b).     11 years or more but less than 20 years                         20 times of emoluments

        The Govt. has not agreed and have suggested that the matter may be raised before the next Pay Commission.

II.Extension of CS (MA) Rules, 1944 to Central Government Pensioners.

       The Health Ministry has agreed to extend CS (MA) Rules, 1944 to Pensioners. In many cases which had gone to Court, it has been ruled that pensioners are entitled to full reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by them as per CS (MA) Rules 1944 which are applicable in the case of serving employees. The Department of Expenditure has not agreed to implement the above decision. The pensioners have to wait till the Medical Insurance Scheme is introduced.

III. Grant of modified parity with reference to the Revised Pay Scale corresponding to pre revised Pay Scale of the post from which an employee had retired. The Govt. cited the decision of Supreme Court in K.S. Krishna Swamy Vs UOI (C.A. no.3173-3174/2006 and 3188-3190/2006). According to this the benefit of up-gradation of post subsequent to their retirement would not be admissible to pre 1996 / pre 2006 retirees.

          The Staff Side pointed out that the result of this clarification is that a retiree is now being compared with the pay scale of an employee two stages lower and subordinate to the post from which an employee has retired. If V IV CPCs have consciously upgraded certain posts it is established that pay scales granted for these posts were in adequate and only therefore the up-gradation has been recommended by them. On what ground the benefit of up-gradation even in determining the modified parity be denied to them when it is established that they retired from a pay scale which were inadequate.

However Govt. did not agree to reconsider this matter.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks.

            With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

Secretary General



Dated: 27.5.2013
Sub: Additional Relief on death/disability of Government Servants covered by the Defined Contribution Pension System (NPS).

Reference is invited to this office OM No. 1(7)/ DCPS (NPS)/2009/TA/221 dated 02.7.2009 on the above mentioned subject. The existing para No. 3(xix) of the above OM has been substituted by the following:-

“(xix). The Pension Account holding bank will be responsible for obtaining periodical certificates such as Life Certificate, Re-employed Certificate etc. (as prescribed in CPAO’s Scheme for “Payment of Pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners through Authorised Banks’) and intimated electronically to CPAO on due dates. (Life certificate should be obtained by 1st November each year and intimation uploaded on CPAO’s website). Drawing of pensions/family pensions will be subject to the receipt of Life Certificate by CPAO”.

(Chandan Mishra Dwivedi)

Dy. Controller General of Accounts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Grant of one increment in pre-revised pay scale

click here to view F. No. 1/1/2008-IC

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 22nd May, 2013

Subject: Grant of one increment in pre-revised pay scale - OM dated 19.3.2012 - clarification regarding.

The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum of even no. dated 19.3.2012 which provides that those Central Government employees who were due to get their annual increment between February to June during 2006, may be granted one increment as on 1.1.2006 in the pre-revised pay scale as a one time measure and, thereafter, will get the next increment in the revised pay structure on 1.7.2006.

2.         As per this Ministry’s OM No. F. No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008. fitment tables have been prescribed in Annexure-1 thereto, specifying the stages of revised pay in the revised pay band with reference to each stage of pre-revised pay in various pre-revised pay scales. As per the fitment tables, the stage of revised pay in the pay band has been mentioned at the same stage in respect of two consecutive pre-revised stages of pay in cases of certain pre-revised scales.

3.         This Ministry has been receiving references as to whether in cases where the fitment table provides for the same revised stage in case of two consecutive pre-revised stages in a particular pre-revised scale of pay, the benefit of bunching is admissible after grant of one increment in the pre-revised pay scale by virtue of this Ministry’s OM dated 19.3.2012.
4.         The matter has been considered and it is clarified that Fitment Table contained in the aforesaid OM dated 30.8.2008 is to he strictly followed for fixation of pay in the revised structure without any deviation.

5.         In cases where the stages of fixation of pay in the revised pay band as per fitment table contained in the aforesaid OM dated 30.8.2008 provides for the same revised stage in the Pay Band with reference to two consecutive stages of pre-revised pay in the corresponding pre-revised scales, then in such cases due to application of this Ministry's OM dated 19.3.2012, there will be no change in the revised pay as on 1.1.2006, if the revised stage with reference to the pre-revised pay after accounting for one increment in the pre-revised scale does not undergo any change as per the Fitment Table. It is also clarified that no further bunching will be allowed in such cases and no re-fixation of pay will be admissible in the revised pay as on 1.1.2006.
(Amar Nath Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Thursday, May 23, 2013


1st  Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110001 Ph. No. 011.23092771

Conf/ 2 /2013                                                                                           Dated: 22nd May,, 2013.

Dear Comrade,

The National Conference of Confederation held at Kolkata from 4th to 6th May, 2013 had directed the Secretariat to pursue the efforts to have a joint platform for struggles along with the Railways and Defence Federations. As a step towards that end, a meeting with the General Secretary of the All India Railway- men Federation has been arranged to take place on 28th inst.  We shall convey to you the outcome of the discussions on 28th.

The next meeting to discuss the pension related issues with the Secretary (Pension) will be held on 28th May, 2013. Com. S.K. Vyas, Advisor and Com. K.K.N. Kutty, President will attend the meeting. A brief note on the outcome of the discussions will be placed on the website after 28th inst.

The Conference had also decided that the Confederation must pursue the 15 point charter of demands through independent endeavours.   Accordingly the Conference had called upon all affiliates and the State Committees to organize a massive dharna  programme on 20th June, 2013. The State Committees are requested to organize the programme in consultation with the respective units of the affiliates at all State Capitals as also other important towns and centres.  A report on the implementation of the programme may please be sent to the CHQ by 10TH July, 2013.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,
Secretary General.
Mobile: 09447068125
eMail: ID

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Following is the text of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s address at the 45th session of the Indian Labour Conference in New Delhi today:

         “Let me begin by emphasizing that this is a very important conference that deliberates issues of critical importance to our workers and industry, and therefore to our economy and society at large. I feel happy that as Prime Minister I have participated in all Sessions of the Indian Labour Conference that have taken place since 2005, except the one in 2009 which I could not attend due to ill-health. As you begin proceedings in this 45th Session of the Conference, I compliment you on your past achievements and extend my best wishes for your efforts in the future. It is also my hope that this Session will build further upon the rich legacy of the earlier Sessions.

Before I proceed further, let me also state that our Government has paid very serious attention to the issues that Trade Unions have raised from time to time. The recent two-day strike by Trade Unions focused on a number of issues relating to the welfare not only of the working-classes but also the people at large. These include demands on which there can be no disagreement. For example, demands for concrete measures for containing inflation, for generation of employment opportunities, for strict implementation of labour laws, are unexceptionable. There can however be differences on the best ways of fulfilling these demands and we are willing to engage constructively with the Trade Unions in this regard.
           Some other demands raised by the Trade Unions are already under an advanced stage of consideration by the Government. These include issues like universal social security cover for workers in both the organized and unorganized sectors and creation of a National Social Security Fund, fixing a National Floor Level Minimum Wage and provision of minimum pension of Rs. 1000 per month under the Employees’ Pension Scheme. In fact, the Cabinet has already approved amendments to the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 to provide for a statutory National Floor Level Minimum Wage.

          The third set of demands relates to issues on which further dialogue with Trade Union leaders appears necessary, including tripartite discussions. We have set up a Group of Ministers under the Finance Minister to go into the whole gamut of demands raised by the Trade Unions and I am confident that soon you will see some forward movement on these demands. 
          I believe that many of the demands of the Trade Unions reflect the concern that our growth and progress should be inclusive and should particularly benefit the under-privileged sections of our society. This is a concern that has been very dear to our Government. We believe that providing our people with productive employment opportunities is the best way of achieving this objective.

          According to some available data, we created 20 million additional job opportunities during the period 2004-05 and 2009-10. The unemployment rate came down from 8.3% to 6.6% during the same period. This period suffered from one of the worst global meltdowns in history and most of the countries, developed and developing, have registered increases in their unemployment rates while we were still able to create additional jobs. Employment in the organized sector registered a growth of more than 9% from 26.5 million in 2005 to 29 million in 2011. It is heartening to note that women employed in the organized sector have also registered a growth of about 19% during the same period.
         Our Government has also made serious efforts in implementing various employment generation programmes such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), National Rural Livelihood Mission, Swarnajayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojna and Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme. There has been an increase in allocations of these schemes over the years which have provided employment opportunities to a large number of men and women, particularly persons belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. MGNREGA has been particularly helpful in reducing inter-State migration of labour, eliminating bonded labour and raising the purchasing power of the rural households. Women participation under the scheme has been more than 48%. It is also heartening to note that rural women are increasingly going for self-employment opportunities in ever increasing numbers. Out of a total of 44.32 lakh Self-Help Groups in our country, 30.21 lakh are exclusively for women which accounts for more than 68%. We propose to continue this effort in future as well.
          Clearly, skill development is crucial to our efforts for providing decent employment opportunities to our large and growing young population. A skilled workforce is also a pre-requisite for the achievement of our objective of rapid and inclusive growth. Therefore, we have laid special emphasis on skill development. 
          Our aim is to skill 5 crore people by the end of the 12th Five Year Plan. This will not only help in generating good quality employment but will also provide Industry with the skilled workforce they need to expand and modernize their operations. During the last five years, the number of Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) in the country has doubled from about 5000 to about 10000. About 1700 Government ITIs have been modernized. Another 3000 ITIs, 5000 Skill Development Centres and 27 Advanced Training Institutes are proposed to be set up during the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17). The Modular Employable Skills (MES) programme of the Ministry of Labour & Employment provides short duration courses to prospective trainees using both Government and private infrastructure. It is an attempt towards increasing employment in the unorganized sector at a rapid pace. 
        In order to achieve our ambitious targets, the skilling efforts of both the Central and the State Governments need to be supplemented by the private sector. Furthermore, skills need to be closely matched with emerging job requirements. This calls for setting up of national standards for skill formation benchmarked to global standards, development of appropriate curriculum design for specific skills and formation of new assessment and certifying bodies besides strengthening the existing ones. 
         The National Skill Development Corporation has been established for promoting private sector efforts in the area of skill development. In addition, the Government has recently taken the decision to set up the National Skill Development Agency (NSDA) to anchor and operationalize the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) which should play a vital role in transforming the quality of training in our country. The NSDA will also endeavor to bridge the social, regional, gender and economic divides in processes of skill development.
         I have no doubt that with active participation of the industry, the Trade Unions and the Government, we will be able to achieve more effective outcomes in improving the employability of our youth and thus pave the way for generating decent employment opportunities for them commensurate with their rising aspirations. This is the task to which I commit our country. 
         Ever since the UPA Government came to power in 2004, we have endeavoured to work for the welfare of workers. When I look back at what I had said when I addressed the 40th Session of this Conference in 2005, I feel a sense of satisfaction that we have delivered substantially on the promises we had made at that time. I had at that time spoken about the need for a new deal to the working people, the need for ensuring the welfare and well being of all workers, particularly those in the unorganized sector, and the legislation that was under consideration in this regard. I am happy that we have achieved good results in these areas, though I would be the first one to recognize that there is much that still needs to be done. 

        We launched the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) in 2008 to provide for smart card based hospitalization facilities for workers in the unorganized sector. We have been expanding the reach of the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) to cover larger numbers of workers in the informal sector. Under this scheme, 3.41 crore smart cards have been issued so far. The RSBY now covers additional categories of workers including construction workers, street vendors, domestic workers and even beneficiaries of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme.

       Our Government enacted the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act, 2008 for the benefit of the workers in the informal sector. 
         We have increased the eligibility limit under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 from Rs 3500 per month to Rs 10000 per month. The medical bonus payable under the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961 has also been enhanced. We have also enhanced the period of unemployment allowance to retrenched workers from 6 months to 1 year under the Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana.
       The National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment and the National Policy on HIV and AIDS in the World of Work were put in place in the year 2009.

         We have taken proactive steps for elimination of child labour. Our Government has taken a decision to amend the Child Labour Prohibition & Regulation Act, 1986 to ban all child labour below 14 years to enable our children to exercise their right to education. I am happy that the number of children working as labourers in our country has decreased by 45% from 90.75 lakh in 2004-05 to 49.84 lakh in year 2009-10. We now need to ensure that this is brought down further.
         A number of Bills have been introduced for amending Acts such as the Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by Certain Establishments) Act, 1988, the Mines Act, 1952 and the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979. Besides, a number of amendments in labour laws are at various stages of consideration.

         The Employees` State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Act was amended in the year 2010 to cover factories employing 10 or more workers, instead of the earlier threshold of 20. The wage ceiling for coverage of employees has been enhanced from Rupees 10,000 to Rs.15,000 per month. The number of establishments covered has increased to 5.80 lakh till the end of 2011-12 from 3.94 lakh in year 2008-09. Twenty seven ESIC hospitals are being modernized and four have already been upgraded. Five new ESIC hospitals were commissioned in 2011-12. Insured persons are now being issued Smart Cards and super specialty treatment facilities have been extended to them. The ESIC organization has undertaken a massive computerization project for more effective delivery of benefits to the insured persons. 
        Modernization initiatives in the Employees Provident Fund Organization have resulted in 25% increase in the settlement of claims as compared to the previous year. The Status of all Provident Fund Accounts is now available online along with SMS alerts for important account information. Payment is now possible through National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT). 
        There are certain vulnerable groups of workers that need our special attention. I would urge this Conference to focus particularly on the well being and welfare of migrant workers, domestic workers and those working in unsafe conditions. These groups not only need special legislative support but also a more effective implementation of the existing laws that have been made for their protection and wellbeing. We need to bring in the best international practices for bringing about improvements in their working conditions.

         The Government of India, Industry, Trade Unions and State Governments need to work in partnership to strengthen our society, our economy and our country. I would like to take today`s opportunity to reaffirm our Government`s firm commitment to building such a partnership. We are all aware that our economy is going through difficult circumstances and our growth is not what we would like it to be. Even as the Government works for reversing this situation and I am confident, we can do so and we will do it, we need the cooperation of both Captains of Industry and our Trade Unions. In the recent months we have taken a number of steps to boost investment, encourage enterprise and improve business sentiment. We have paid special attention to the need for removing bottlenecks that hamper new industrial activity. I would urge you all Captains of Industry and Trade Union leaders to help us in making a success of these efforts. I wish your deliberations all success.” 
(Release ID :96045) (PIB 17.05.2013)

DEMANDS OF UNIONS UNDER STUDY, SAYS PM (Click the link below for details) The Hindu, New Delhi, 18.05.2013)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Dear comrade

The circular letter of the Secretary General, which has been placed on the website on 8th May, 2013 has given the list of the National Secretariat members elected at the National Conference of the Confederation held at Kolkata from 4th to 6th May, 2013.  The West Bengal State Committee of the Confederation had made very good arrangements for the conduct of the conference.  We are extremely grateful to them for the efforts undertaken by them to hold the Conference within such a short notice. A detailed letter from the desk of the   Secretary General will appear on the website shortly.

I write this to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to the members of the outgoing Secretariat, the leaders of various affiliates of the Confederation, the State Committee members and the Secretaries and other active comrades for the help, guidance and assistance rendered to me to discharge my functions as the Secretary General of the Confederation   Together we can be proud that we  could bring about a very systematic and democratic functioning of our organisation during the last three years.

But for the unstinted co-operation extended  by all of you, I truly believe and realise that we could not have registered this spectacular success.   We had a very turbulent period in the last three years for we chose to tread the path of sustained struggle. We could ensure the participation of a large number of our members in the three general strike actions organised by the joint platform of Indian working class besides the one day strike on our own demands.  Apart from these higher forms of trade union actions we did organise quite a number of demonstrative actions during this period. But for your personal involvement, this could not have been possible. 
I am personally indebted to every one of you which I may not be able to repay during my life time. I shall cherish my association with all of you for the rest of my life and take this opportunity to convey my sincere thanks and gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

Promising my fullest endeavour and involvement in the days to come in our joint endeavour to build Confederation as a mighty trade union organisation, and
with greetings,
Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty,

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


No.AB.14017/21/2011-Estt. (RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi, the 10th May, 2013

Office Memorandum

Subject: Change of the term DPC (for confirmation)-reg.

Attention is invited to this Department instructions on consolidated guidelines on framing /amendment of RRs vide OM dated 31.12.2010. The guidelines prescribe that when Promotion, Direct Recruitment/re-employment of Armed Forces Personnel are included as a method of recruitment in the RRs for the post, column 12 of the Schedule shall include the DPC for considering Promotion andConfirmation as applicable.
2. This Department in consultation with UPSC has re-examined the term “Departmental Promotion Committee (for confirmation) used in column 12 of theSchedule of the RRs. It has been decided that the same shall be substituted with the term “Departmental Confirmation Committee” (for considering confirmation) in cases where the method of recruitment includes direct recruitment/absorption/re-employment of Armed Forces Personnel. However where Promotion is prescribed as a method of recruitment, the composition of Departmental Promotion Committee (for considering Promotion) shall be included in column 12 of the Schedule of the RRs. Ministries/Departments may take necessary action for incorporating the provisions in this regard in the RRs for a post.
3. Hindi version will follow.
(Mukta Goel)
Director (E-I)

Monday, May 13, 2013


.           The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has now introduced the new facility to the beneficiaries of Central Government Health Scheme to check the status of medicines issued to the individual through its official portal.
Central Government Pensioners can now view the status of their medical history through online in home itself. The step by step action has been explained for registration to get the beneficiary details of Medical History... the statement has published in the portal as is given below for your information...
To  view history of Medicines issued to you follow the steps given below:
1. open url
2. In the window opened click on button 'Beneficiary Details'
3. Click on button   'Login with Beneficiary ID'
4. In the window opened click on button 'Register Here'
5. In the window opened enter the details and click on button 'Register'
 a)  In case the details entered are matching with data in CGHS Data base a system generated one time  'pass word' will be sent to the registered mobile phone by SMS
b) If , there is a message “details for selected beneficiary not found”
Please check the details entered or contact CMO i/c of CGHS Wellness Centre for correction of Data / Mobile Phone number in the Data base
6. Once the pass word is received, go back to Beneficiary sign in page and login using password
7. Click on button 'Beneficiary Medical History' and view details

Thursday, May 9, 2013

            On 4th May before commencement of National Conference a colourful procession was organized in which all  National and State leaders, Delegates and many Comrades from all Central Government Departments of West Bengal and other sectors participated.
            The programme commenced with Flag hoisting. The Confederation Flag was hoisted by Com. S.K. Vyas, President. Homage was also paid to the martyrs by offering flowers on the martyrs column by all leaders of Confederation, delegates, observers and other Comrades of Kolkata.
            The open session commenced in the afternoon of 4.5.2013 under the Presidentship of Com. S.K. Vyas , President. The open session was inaugurated by Com. A.K. Padmanabhan, All India President CITU. In his speech Com. Padmanabhan elaborately described the adverse impact of neo-liberal economic policies allover world and as well as in India. He described the unity of all trade unions on the issues of working class as a positive development in trade union movement of India. He congratulated the Central Government Employees for their participation in 2 days General Strike 0n 20-21 February, 2013 on call of Central Trade Unions and one day strike on 12.12.2012 by the Central Government Employees exclusively on the call of Confederation for the issues related to them. He applead to all to fight unitedly to resist the disastrous economic policies of Govt. of India and compel the Govt. to reverse these policies.
            On behalf of Chairman Reception Committee Com. S.S. Roy presented the Welcome speech. He also readout the address of the Chairman Reception Committee, Com. Shishir Bhattacharya. Among the prominent speakers Com. V.A.N. Namboodri, President BSNL Employees Union, Com. Pradeep Biswas General Secretary BEFI, Com. S.K. Brahma Vice President A.I.R.F., Com. Jaynto Mukherjee, Jt. Secretary, AIIEA, , Com. Samir Bhattacharya Joint Convenor of 12th July Committee, delivered their speech and extended best wishes for success of the Conference. Com. Jyotsna Bose, Com. Kunal Biswas, R.L. Bhattacharjee and other Senior Trade Union Leaders of West Bengal were also present on the dias. All the leaders and guests were honoured by Reception Committee by garlanding and presenting mementos. On behalf  of Confederation Com. K K N Kutty Secretary Generally welcomed and thanked all the leaders and guests. Com. S.K. Vyas gave his Presidential address. Formal Vote of thanks was given by Com. J.C. Bose, (Reception Committee)
On 5.5.2013 the Subject Committee was addressed by Com. Sukomal Sen., Sr. Vice President of All India State Government Employees Federation. In his speech he has thrown light on the challenges faced by the Trade Union movement. He appreciated the role of Confederation for continuous struggle for the protection of interests of Central Govt. Employees.Com. S.K. Vyas President Confederation presided the session. One minute silence was also observed to pay homage to the martyrs.
            Com. KKN Kutty Secretary General Presented the Draft Report on the activities of Confederation during the last three years. In the discussion on report Chief Executives of 16 State COCs and 28 representatives of various organizations took    part, Com. K.K.N. Kutty Secretary General concluded the debate after giving replies to the queries and questions raised by the delegates. The report was adopted unanimously by the house. Triennial Audited Accounts was presented by Com. Giri Raj Singh Financial Secretary which was unanimously adopted by the house. 48 Resolutions were presented by the members of Resolution Committee headed by Com. K.V. Jairaj. Credential Committee Convenor Com. K..V. Sridharan presented the credential report before house.
     Total Organizations attended   -    48
     COCs attended                           -   12
     Total Delegates                          -   228

            The election for the coming session was held unanimously and the following office bearers were elected:

Advisor                       -         Com. S.K. Vyas       (Audit)
President                    -         Com. KKN Kutty (ITEF)
Working President    -         Com. M.S. Raja (Audit)
Vice Presidents  1     -         Com. T. Narsimhan (NFPE)
                               2     -          Com. Ashok B. Salunke (ITEF)
                               3     -        Com. M. Duraipandian (Audit)
                               4.    -        Com. N. Somaiya     (Ground Water)
                               5.    -        Com. Giri Raj Singh (NFPE)
Secretary General     -        Com. M. Krishan (NFPE)
Secretary                     -        Com. K.P. Rajgopal (ITEF)
Asstt. Secretary 1     -        Com. R.N. Parashar (NFPE)
                               2     -        Com. Pijush Roy (Civil Accounts)
                               3     -        Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas (NFPE)
                               4.    -        Com. K.V. Jayraj (Auomic Energy)
                               5.    -        Com. B. Krishna Gaud (Museum)
Finance Secretary     -        Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee (Civil Accounts)
Org. Secretaries 1      -        Com. Nilesh Nasre (IBM)
                               2      -        Com Ashok Kanojiya (ITEF)
                               3      -        Com. Mani Achari (Atomic Energy)
                               4       -        Com. K. Venkatasubramanian (Civil Accounts)
                               5      -        Com. P. Suresh (NFPE)
                               6      -        Com. R. Seethalaxmi (NFPE)
                               7      -        Com. Nageshwar Rao   (Audit)
                               8      -        Com. T Satyanarayana   (NFPE)
                               9      -        Com. R.P. Singh     (Agmark)
                             10      -        Com. C.P. Shobhana   (NFPE)
                             11      -       Com. Arup Chatterjee (BSI)
                             12      -       Com. Y. Purohit   (ITEF)
Auditor                          -       Com. T.K.R. Pillai (Stt. Pro. Implementation)

            In his concluding address Com. S.K. Vyas gave a very inspiring speech in which he elaborately described the role of Confederation since it’s formation in 1956 and the various struggles conducted including historical strikes of 1960,1968, 1974 and at least one strike each year after 1991, and two days strike on 20-21 February, 2013.He also told about the important role of Confederation in setting up of all Pay Commission since 2nd Pay Commission to VIth Pay Commissions and redressal of various grievances related to the staff . He extended his best wishes to the newly elected body and hoped that under their able and militant leadership, Confederation will march forward and will be able to settle the problems of Central Government Employees.
            Formal Vote of thanks was presented by Com. Pijush Roy General Secretary Reception Committee.
            The Reception Committee under leadership of Com. S.S. Ray, Pijush Roy and other Comrades of West Bengal made excellent arrangements for the successful conduct of the Conference including food, accommodation and transport which deserve every appreciation.
            The session ended with shouting of revolutionary slogans.

HELD AT Kolkata
FROM 4th MAY to 6th MAY 2013.

I.              Resolutions moved by the Presidium:

Following Resolutions was moved by the Presidium:

  1. Resolution on Food Security – moved by Com. Duraipandyan
  2. Resolution on FDI – moved by Com. Rajagopal
  3. Resolution on Price Rise – moved by Com. Nageswara Rao
  4. Resolution on Natural Resources – moved by Com. M.S. Raja
  5. Resolution on women atrocities – moved by Com. KV Sridharan
  6. Resolution on FDI in Retail – moved by Com. K . Raghvendran
  7. Resolution on Casual Laborers – moved by Com. K.K.N.Kutty
  8. Resolution on GDS – moved by Com. K. Raghvendran
  9. Resolution on uniforms & stitching charges – moved by Com. Raghavendran
  10. Resolution functioning of JCM – moved by Com. Vrighu Battacharjee
  11. Resolution on appointing 7th Central Pay Commission- moved by Com. Jayaraj KV
  12. Resolution on merger of 50% of DA for all Govt. employees – including GDS Staff – moved by Com. Jayaraj K.V
II.            Resolution moved by the Resolution Committee:

A Resolution Committee under the convener ship of Com. Jayaraj KV was appointed. The committee invited resolutions from the delegates and affiliated organizations participated in the Conference. About 136 issues were brought to the notice of the Resolution Committee by the participants. 18 Federations/organizations were submitted their proposal.

Following were the members of Resolution Committee:

     Jayaraj .K.V                       Convener        National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees
     Giriraj Singh                       Member          National Federation of Postal Employees
     Nageswara Rao                 Member          All India Audit & Accounts Assn
     Yashwant Purohit               Member          Income Tax Employees Federation
     Chourasya R.K                  Member          All India Civil Accounts Assn

       After scrutinizing the subjects, 48 resolutions proposed to adopt in the 24th all  India 
     Conference Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers. Following 
     are the resolutions moved by Com. Jayaraj K.V. Convener, Resolution Committee:

  1. Against the anomalies in MACP/ACP
  2. To upgrade the Pay Scale of LDC & UDC with Grade Pay of Rs2400 and 2800 respectively
  3. To enhance the Rate of Overtime Allowance
  4. To enhance the Rate of Night Duty Allowance and to remove the ceiling
  5. Against the closure of the Government Offices
  6. To Rationalise all Minerals of the Country
  7. To declare 1st May – MAY DAY – as National Holiday
  8. Demanding stringent action against Scam and corruption
  9. To Scrap the New Pension Scheme
  10. To ensure Five promotion in the Service Carrier
  11. For permanent negotiating machinery with All India Federations/Associations recognized under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 apart from JCM Forum
  12. To rectify the deficiencies in the existing DA pattern
  13. For parity in the pay of Secretariat Staff and filed office staff – ministerial and auxiliary staff
  14. To rectify the discrepancies in the Transport Allowance – IT Exemption, TA for field staff who are away from office on tour, etc
  15. To improve the CGHS Facilities – entitlement of wards in Hospital under CGHS based on Pay in PB + GP, Revision of packages, Empanelment of more Hospital in CGHS, etc
  16. To remove the restriction in compassionate Ground Appointment
  17. To Amend the Bonus Act on various clauses – Ensure 8.33% of the Gross salary as Bonus, Removal of ceiling on Bonus, etc
  18. To ratify the ILO conventions No 87,98, 151 & 154 to grant of all civilian and trade union rights including the right to strike for Government Employees
  19. Against downsizing, out sourcing and contracturisation
  20. To fill up all vacancies in all Central Government Establishments and remove ban on recruitment
  21. To implement the arbitration awards
  22. For improvement in the House Building Advances – To reduce the rate of interest, One more chance to avail HBA who already taken earlier to improve the existing accommodation, allowing to avail HBA for extension, renovation of exiting own accommodations, HBA for purchasing resale flats/houses
  23. To exempt Children education Allowance from Income Tax
  24. To restore the Rate of Interest on GPF to 12%
  25. To revise various Allowances such as Winter Allowances, Hill Compensatory Allowances, Tribal Allowances, etc. and to ensure the rate on par with the concerned state Governments.
  26. To revise the Gratuity equal to last drawn one month salary and to extend the gratuity to the employees joined after 01.1.2004
  27. Restore two increments or more  on acquiring additional qualifications
  28. To enhance – double the CEGIS coverage limit
  29. To remove the anomalies in the pay of Direct Recruitees and the promotees in the all cadre
  30. To allow Air fare to the employees of North Eastern Region for the purpose of LTC, TA, Travel on medical ground on referral
  31. To enhance all Allowances such as DA, HRA, Special Allowances by 25% from the date of attaining DA 50%
  32. To extend CCL to the single parent – i.e. in case of the mother expired
  33. To sanction special leave for cancer patent for treatment
  34. To extend medical re imbursement for fertility treatment at least for first sitting
  35. To treat Kalpakkam as a satellite town of Chennai and Tarapur as a satellite town of Mumbai for the purpose of HRA
  36. To give one more option to  switch over from CPF to GPF
  37. To remove the ceiling of Patient Care Allowances                                                                                                                  
  38. To place the Temporary Status employees joined before 2004 and regularized later into Statutory pension Scheme
  39. To modify the OM issued by Dept of Expenditure to fix the Pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities carrying the same grade pay by deleting the reference previous OM by the Department issued in the year 2000, i.e. prior to the implementation of 6th CPC
  40. For extending Pension to the employees of Brahmaputra Board, Assam
  41. To extend one increment to those employees retiring in between January and June
  42. To notify the Recruitment Rule/Promotion Norms for Canteen employees
  43. To Extend the payment of arrears  to all employees working in audit and accounting organizations from 01.01.1196 to 18.02.2003 as per the Supreme Court verdict pronounced in the case of Sebastian & Others Vs. Govt. of India
  44. To Extend the benefit given to Venkat Raman while implementing ACP by the Railway Board as per the Supreme Court to all other similar placed employees
  45. To stepping up the Pay Scale of Seniors on par with the juniors who are elevated on account of ACPs
  46. To abolish the license fee for the Departmental Quarters allotted to the employees since the HRA is recovering fully.
  47. To allow PF withdrawal for second or third time for similar purposes such as purchase of house Plot, Flat, construction of House, etc
  48. To vacate All Trade Union Victimisation