Saturday, October 31, 2009

Circular .No.38

Confederation of Central Government

 Employees and Workers

CHQ: Manishinath Bhawan,

A2/95, Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi – 110027


D.  11/38/2009

Phone: No. 011 2510 5324

Mobile: Secretary General: 098110 48303

Dated: 30th October, 2009

Dear Comrades,

            We invite your kind reference to our letter D.11/37/2009 dated 20th October, 2009.  We hope by this time you might have received the advertisement tariff forms for the Souvenir.  We seek your help in procuring advertisements.  The Reception Committee would be sending you another circular shortly.  All the affiliates are requested to clear off their dues as we are to prepare the list of entitled Councilors.   

            As per our decision taken at the last National Executive meeting we are to organize a human chain on 25.11.2009  in all Cities/Towns by eliciting  massive participation of the members.  The human chain is to connect two Central Government offices.  Kindly take all necessary arrangements to make the programme a grand success.

            There had been several suggestions from various affiliates and COCs to make certain amendments to the charter of demands.  Taking this into account, we have decided to redraft the charter of demands.  The revised charter of demands  is as under:

a)                 To reduce the price of all essential commodities.

b)                 To rescind the orders on outsourcing of Governmental functions and closure of offices.

c)                  To fill up all vacancies of Group D posts by regular recruitment and stop contracting out the Group D functions and employing daily rated/casual workers to carry out the Group D functions.

d)                 Reverse the decision to impose the New Contributory Pension Scheme and withdraw the order asking the employees to exercise option as a precondition to draw the 6th CPC arrears.

e)                 Remove the arbitrary ceiling on compassionate appointments.

f)                    Implement the Board of Arbitration awards.

g)                 Grant Pension and status of civil servant to GDS.


            With Greetings,

                                                                                                Yours fraternally




Secretary General

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Circular No.37



Manishinath Bhawan,

A-2/95 Rajouri Garden,

 New Delhi,. 110 027

E mail:

Phone: 25105324

98110 48303

No.D/11/37/2009                                                                          Dated: 20th October, 2009


Dear Comrade,

            As per the decision of the National Executive meeting of the Confederation, a meeting of the Delhi State COC was held at the AGCR building to discuss about the preparation for the General Council meeting slated for 4th,5th and 6th December, 2009.  It was unanimously decided that Com. Brighu Bhattacharya, Secretary, Delhi COC will be the convenor of the Reception Committee.  The State COC will meet again to decide upon the Chairman of the Reception Committee, the members and the other sub committees required to be formed for the conduct of the Council meeting.  The reception committee as and when it is formed will take over the responsibility of inviting guests, making other arrangements for the conduct of the Council meeting  The meeting has also decided to collection donations from members of Delhi by printing 50 rupees coupons.

            In order to give effect to the decision of the National Executive Committee meetings, the CHQ Sectt. has decided to request Com. S.K. Vyas, President to be the Chairman of the Souvenir Committee.  The Working President, Secretary General, Secretary and Finance Secretary of the Confederation would be the members of the Souvenir Committee. We shall be sending a individual communication to all COCs and affiliates requesting for co-operation in making the venture of brining out the souvenir to commemorate the occasion a success along with the advertisement tariff forms.  The tariff forms are under print and would be dispatched soon. We seek you co-operation in this regard.

            In order to enable the Sectt. to prepare a comprehensive report of the functioning of the Confederation during the last three years, we request the affiliates to favour us with a brief report (Not exceeding one page) on the important issues/problems (other than the 6th CPC related issues) they had to confront during this period and efforts taken by them to find resolution thereof.  Their report may also indicate a brief resume of the organizational structure indicating the number of employees in the Department/institution, the number of members they have, the number of branches/offices in the country, the tenure of office of the office bearers at the apex level etc.  Similarly the State COCs may kindly send us a brief report of the organizational structure (indicating the number of districts under the State COC), the number of unions/Federations participating in the COC, the date on which the last conference was held, the local issues taken up and the extent of participation of the members in various programmes of action etc.  We shall be grateful if the report is received by us latest by 5th November, 2009.


Towards a nuclear free world.

            We send herewith a copy of the resolution adopted at the world Conference against atomic and hydrogen bomb attacks. (The resolution copy is being sent separately. It will be placed at the website shortly). It is now 64 years since Hiroshima and Nagasaki were attacked with atom bombs to subjugate the Japanese empire in the 2nd world ward by the United States of America. The movement for establishing a nuclear free world has been gaining momentum since then for the devastation that can cause by nuclear bomb attacks is capable of destroying the planet earth itself. There cannot be victors and vanquished in a nuclear war.  The elimination of nuclear weapons in toto alone can bring about everlasting peace and security in the world.  In a bid to galvanise the public opinion towards this end, the organizing committee has proposed a world wide signature campaign on a common appeal format which is appended  Kindly tak al efforts to obtain as many signatures as possible and send it to Japan Council against A& H Bombs, 2-4-4 Yushima – Bjunkyo-ku 113 8464 Tokya- Japan. 

            With greetings,

Yours fraternally,


K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General.


P.S. we have placed hereunder the statement depicting subscription dues from each affiliate as on 30.9.2009.





            Even now, in the 21st Century, world peace and security are still threatened by 26000 nuclear weapons

            As the tragedies of Hi9roshima and Nagasaki show us, nuclear weapons instantly destroy countless lives, torment people in future generations, and ruin civilizations

            The Hibakusha, the A-Bomb survivors, continue to warn that humanity cannot coexist with nuclear weapons.  Never again should we create more victims of nuclear weapons.

            For the survival of the human race and for the future of our children, let us achieve a world free of nuclear weapons through our actions is solidarity.

            Toward the 2010 Nuclear Non proliferation treaty review conference, the nuclear weapons states are called to honor the "unequivocal undertaking" of May 2000 to eliminate their nuclear weapons.

            We call on the nuclear weapons States and all other Governments to agree to commence and conclude negotiations of a treaty, a nuclear weapons convention, to ban and eliminate nuclear weapons without delay.











Send your signatures to : Japan Council against A & H Bombs, 2-4-4 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku 1138464 Tokyo, Japan.  E mail. Antiatom



Monday, October 19, 2009

Subscription Dues as on 30.09.2009

Name of the affiliate Membership Dues for 3 yrs  Dues after payment
NFPE.E.D 165000 495000 494940
NFPE P.3 70000 210000 209940
NFPE P.4 60000 180000 179940
NFPE. R3 15000 45000 29500
NFPE.R4 8000 24000 24000
NFPE Admn 3000 9000 9000
Income Tax Employees Federation 42980 128940 -18360
All India Audit & Accounts Association 35000 105000 56000
National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees 15000 45000 45000
Federation of Central Sectt & Allied Officers Assn 15000 45000 40000
CPWD Workers Union, New Delhi 15000 45000 45000
All India Deffence Accounts Empl.Assoc.Kolkata 10000 30000 30000
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association 8000 24000 10000
All India CGHS Employees Association 5476 16428 11428
All India Customs & Excise Gr.D Officers Fed. 4500 13500 13500
Geological Survey of India Employees Association 4400 13200 13200
All India Federation of DAO & DA Associations 3500 10500 8400
All India Assoc.of Empl. & Workers of Marine Eng. 3500 10500 10500
All India Ground Water Board Emp.Association 3000 9000 3000
All India Civil Accounts Employees Association 3000 9000 3000
All India Canteen Employees Association 3000 9000 9000
NGOs Association, Plot Blair 3000 9000 9000
All India Census Employees Association, Bhopal 2500 7500 7500
WCCA Class III Association Delhi 2500 7500 7500
Federation of All India ICMR Emp. Assn., Chennai 2500 7500 7500
National Fedn. of Printing Stationery & Publication 2400 7200 5200
National Fedn. of Regional Officers of DGS &D 1000 3000 0
All India Kendriya Vidyalay Teachers Assn., Tvm 2000 6000 6000
Customs Gr.D Officers Federation, Mumbai 1800 5400 3600
All India Customs Ministerial Employees Federation 1500 4500 3000
All India Passport Employees Association 1500 4500 4500
Light House & lightship Employees Assocaition 1500 4500 4258
Meteorogical Employees Association 1500 4500 4500
Rashtriya Press Kamgar Union, Nashik 1500 4500 4500
CI.IV Karmachari Union, Survey 1500 4500 4000
ISRO Staff Association Trivandrum 1400 4200 2200
Class-III Service Assoc. Survey of India 1250 3750 3750
Ministerial Staff (NSSO) Association, Bhopal 1200 3600 2600
All India Census EDP Employees Association 1200 3600 2400
Ministerial Staff Association Survey of India 1000 3000 1600
Work Charged Employees Union CWC Jaipur 1000 3000 3000
Met Department Workshop Union 1000 3000 3000
All India Association H Supdt NSSO Kolkata 1000 3000 3000
All India Salt Empl. Association 1000 3000 3000
CPWD Staff Association, Eastern Zone 1000 3000 3000
Botanical Survey of India Emp. Association 800 2400 2400
All India Medical Stores Depot Official Association 800 2400 2400
All India Medical Stores Depot Empl.Federation 800 2400 2400
All India Naval Draftsmen Assocaition 800 2400 2400
All India Civil Accounts Cat.II  Association 800 2400 800
Surveyors Association. Survey of India 650 1950 1950
DMI Employees Associationm Nagpur 650 1950 950
All India Narcotics Exe.Officers Assn, Gwalior 542 1626 1016
SC TIMST Staff Union, Trivandrum 500 1500 1500
Zoological Survey of India Association 500 1500 1500
DMETT Emp & Workers Union, Dhanbad 500 1500 1500
Central Staff Assn. of DGE & T Howrah 500 1500 1500
Opium & Alkaloid Staff Union, Neemuch 500 1500 1500
Anthropological Survey Emp. Assn 500 1500 1500
National Savings Emp. Association, Kolkata 421 1263 1263
I.B.M Employees Association, Nagpur 400 1200 700
Central Water Comm.Employees Union, Asansol 300 900 900
Association of Junior Engineers CWC Faridabad 300 900 480
National Sample Survey Emp.Association, Kolkata 300 900 900
Farakka Barrage Project Staff Association 280 840 413
Foreign Trade  Employees Association, Chennai 250 750 750
National Library Employees Association 250 750 750
Cooperative Trg. College Empl. Assoc.Trivandrum 250 750 750
NATMO Emp. Assoiciation, Kolkata 250 750 750
All India Narcotics Gr.D Association Kota 250 750 -250
Central Drugs Laboratory Emp.Association 200 600 600
Central Tuber Crops Research Cl.II & III Emp. Assn, TVM 150 450 450
Electronic Research & Development Cenral Staff Council, Tmn 150 450 450
All India Sainik School Emp. Assn., Tvm 150 450 450
Junior Engineers Assn. Farrakka 100 300 100
Farrakka Barrage Cl.IV Union 100 300 300
Regional Research Institute Emp. Welfare assn, Tvm 100 300 300
Central Tuber Crops Research Cl.IV Emp. Assn, TVM 100 300 300
Central Food Staff Assn.,Trivandrum 70 210 210
LNCPF Employees Association, Trivandrum 20 60 60
Film Division Staff Association, Tvm 20 60 60
All India Assn. of Investigators, NSSO(FOD), Ranchi not known 0 0
Import Export Central Emp. Association, Chennai not known 0 0
All India Khadi Karmachari Assn., Mumbai not known 0 0
Central Excise Inpector 9066 18132 14132
Graduate Engineer Association, LaKshadweep 139 278 139
ADI Commission Karamchari Union, Mumbai.  2100 4200 2100
Confederation of Pondichert State Govt. emp.Federations. 15000 45000 35000
All India Wireless Staff Association New Delhi. 200 400 0
All India Postal Administration offices Emp. Union. 2500 5000 2500
SHAR Employees Association Sriharikota 1000 2000 1000
  573364 1705087 1414469