Manishinath Bhawan,
A-2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi,. 110 027
E mail:
Phone: 25105324
98110 48303
No.D/11/37/2009 Dated: 20th October, 2009
Dear Comrade,
As per the decision of the National Executive meeting of the Confederation, a meeting of the Delhi State COC was held at the AGCR building to discuss about the preparation for the General Council meeting slated for 4th,5th and 6th December, 2009. It was unanimously decided that Com. Brighu Bhattacharya, Secretary, Delhi COC will be the convenor of the Reception Committee. The State COC will meet again to decide upon the Chairman of the Reception Committee, the members and the other sub committees required to be formed for the conduct of the Council meeting. The reception committee as and when it is formed will take over the responsibility of inviting guests, making other arrangements for the conduct of the Council meeting The meeting has also decided to collection donations from members of Delhi by printing 50 rupees coupons.
In order to give effect to the decision of the National Executive Committee meetings, the CHQ Sectt. has decided to request Com. S.K. Vyas, President to be the Chairman of the Souvenir Committee. The Working President, Secretary General, Secretary and Finance Secretary of the Confederation would be the members of the Souvenir Committee. We shall be sending a individual communication to all COCs and affiliates requesting for co-operation in making the venture of brining out the souvenir to commemorate the occasion a success along with the advertisement tariff forms. The tariff forms are under print and would be dispatched soon. We seek you co-operation in this regard.
In order to enable the Sectt. to prepare a comprehensive report of the functioning of the Confederation during the last three years, we request the affiliates to favour us with a brief report (Not exceeding one page) on the important issues/problems (other than the 6th CPC related issues) they had to confront during this period and efforts taken by them to find resolution thereof. Their report may also indicate a brief resume of the organizational structure indicating the number of employees in the Department/institution, the number of members they have, the number of branches/offices in the country, the tenure of office of the office bearers at the apex level etc. Similarly the State COCs may kindly send us a brief report of the organizational structure (indicating the number of districts under the State COC), the number of unions/Federations participating in the COC, the date on which the last conference was held, the local issues taken up and the extent of participation of the members in various programmes of action etc. We shall be grateful if the report is received by us latest by 5th November, 2009.
Towards a nuclear free world.
We send herewith a copy of the resolution adopted at the world Conference against atomic and hydrogen bomb attacks. (The resolution copy is being sent separately. It will be placed at the website shortly). It is now 64 years since Hiroshima and Nagasaki were attacked with atom bombs to subjugate the Japanese empire in the 2nd world ward by the United States of America. The movement for establishing a nuclear free world has been gaining momentum since then for the devastation that can cause by nuclear bomb attacks is capable of destroying the planet earth itself. There cannot be victors and vanquished in a nuclear war. The elimination of nuclear weapons in toto alone can bring about everlasting peace and security in the world. In a bid to galvanise the public opinion towards this end, the organizing committee has proposed a world wide signature campaign on a common appeal format which is appended Kindly tak al efforts to obtain as many signatures as possible and send it to Japan Council against A& H Bombs, 2-4-4 Yushima – Bjunkyo-ku 113 8464 Tokya- Japan.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
P.S. we have placed hereunder the statement depicting subscription dues from each affiliate as on 30.9.2009.
Even now, in the 21st Century, world peace and security are still threatened by 26000 nuclear weapons
As the tragedies of Hi9roshima and Nagasaki show us, nuclear weapons instantly destroy countless lives, torment people in future generations, and ruin civilizations
The Hibakusha, the A-Bomb survivors, continue to warn that humanity cannot coexist with nuclear weapons. Never again should we create more victims of nuclear weapons.
For the survival of the human race and for the future of our children, let us achieve a world free of nuclear weapons through our actions is solidarity.
Toward the 2010 Nuclear Non proliferation treaty review conference, the nuclear weapons states are called to honor the "unequivocal undertaking" of May 2000 to eliminate their nuclear weapons.
We call on the nuclear weapons States and all other Governments to agree to commence and conclude negotiations of a treaty, a nuclear weapons convention, to ban and eliminate nuclear weapons without delay.
Send your signatures to : Japan Council against A & H Bombs, 2-4-4 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku 1138464 Tokyo, Japan. E mail. Antiatom